martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Law firm adds focus on climate change - Denver Business Journal:
The Denver firm said it is the firstg law firm based in the Rocky Mountains to organizw a practice group focusing on climate change law and James Holtkamp will lead the new practice He currently teaches the Law of Climate Change at the Universitty of Utah Collegeof Law. "We are at the beginninf of a legal andpolicy tsunami," Holtkampo said in a statement. "Holland & Hart is uniquelyh situated to address climate issues affecting our clientsz in the Rocky Mountain West and throughouythe world.
" "Climate change has quickly become a complex area of law and publif policy affecting wide array of clientr industries," Lawrence Wolfe, managing partner of Holland Hart, said in a statement. Wolfer became managing partner Jan. 1. "Virtually all of our cliente are or will be affected by the rapidly emerging legal issues surrounding climate change law and The Global Climate Change Group is essential for us to continuer our commitment to sophisticated clienf service in thisvital area." Areas covered by the new practicw group include industrial energy use, renewablse energy and government relations.
Holland & Hart has 350 lawyerxs in 13 offices in seven Westernh states as well asin Washington, D.C.

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expecte d toremain soft, the closely watched survey but “an uptick in manufacturing orderz helped stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beigs Book also said that “commercial real estate market conditionds deteriorated, and energy activity declinede further.” Bankers, it said, “reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demands with no erosion in loan It said consumer price and wage pressures remainec low. Meanwhile, producer prices “declinex at a slower pace, with some firmws noting that higher commodity pricezs boosted material andfuel costs.
” Overall, the latest regional Beiged Book — covering a six-week period was somewhat more optimistic than the last survey, releasec April 15. The report covers the Fed’s Kansas City-basedr 10th District. It is based on interviews with a sample of businessez representing key industries ineach district. The reportas are anecdotal and do notcontaimn statistics, but they are widely followe d and help the Fed to set national economic policy. The Fed’s 10th Districtf includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as westerh Missouri and northernNew Mexico.
Formally knownb as the “Summary of Commentary on Current Economicx Conditions by FederalReservr District,” the Beige Book is publishef eight times a year. The latest report covers late Aprilthrough May. The Federall Reserve’s 10th District is also knowmn as the Kansas City district becausethe reserve’s regionall bank is based there. .

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - South Florida Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generated $100 million when the 45-dau program was launched, but at its close last week had collected morethan $600 million in back taxez owed. Final revenue could increase byanothefr $50 million to $100 million once the remaining 17,500 envelopes are openefd and processed, the Governor’s Office said. New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permitte d those owing back taxesfrom Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half the interest Of the collections processedto date, 56 percenyt were for the corporationb business tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxezs and 14 percent for gross income tax.
A vote on a finalo budget for New Jersey isexpectex Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine woule like to see the additional revenuwe be put toward propertytax relief, which was slatede to be eliminated for all but seniorse and the disabled to address an up to $9 billion deficirt in fiscal year 2010. In Pennsylvania, state Rep. John C. R-Lancaster, is pitching legislation for a one-timde tax amnesty program as a budget fix for his The bill would permita 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-10 fiscal The bill is in the Housee Finance Committee. “New Jersey has confirme that this is a perfect time for a tax amnesty program to succeedin Pennsylvania,” said “We are facing a $3.
2 billion budget deficit and New Jersey’as successful program should vividly illustratd that such a program can collect hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the Pennsylvania’s last tax amnesty program, which occure d more than a decade ago, brought in $93 million, Bear Revenue from a tax amnestyh program could be used to addresz the state’s budget deficit, insteard of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposal to raise the states income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percengt increase in the personal incomwe tax rate would generateabout $1.
5 billionh a year in new revenue and amount to abourt $250 more per year for a family earning $50,000. “Nos — during this dire budget crisiss — is the time for a new tax amnestuy program to be putin place,” Bear said.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Cleantech venture investing jumped in Q2 - Charlotte Business Journal:
Global cleantech investments totallefd $1.2 billion across 94 companies, a 12 percent increase over thefirsg quarter. The increase was driven by interest inalternativ vehicles, which grabbed $236 million, and advanced batteries, whichg received $165 million. Mass., lithium ion battery maker landexa $100 million investmenf round led by Co. in April. The report’s authors say cleantecb companies will continue to be buttressede by investments by the federal government and electri power companies to complement venturwecapital investment.
“New investment tax credits are playing a majo role in making newsolar thermal, solar PV, and wind project s more economically viable for utilities, which are bringing their access to capital to the said Scott Smith, United States leader of Deloitte’s cleantecnh practice, in a statement.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

EPO and OECD strengthen co-operation - European Patent Office

EPO and OECD strengthen co-operation

European Patent Office

With a view to furthering their co-operation on exploring the role of patents as an economic tool, the EPO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have signed a memorandum of understanding, which is valid for the next ...

and more »

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Auto supplier Visteon files Chapter 11 - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Van Buren Township, Mich.-based Visteon (OTC BB:VSTN), which runs eighty plants in Ohio, said the bankruptcy applies only toits U.S. operationa and is intended to “maximize the long-term value of the The filing comes nine years after Visteon was spun off from which has lined up tosupporgt debtor-in-possession financing for its restructuring. “During the reorganizatioh period, we will seek to address our capita l structure and legacy costs that are not sustainable given the curreneconomic environment,” CEO Donald Stebbins said in a release. The companhy last year lost $681 millioh on $9.54 billion in It has lost money every year since it was separatedf from Fordin 2000.
In addition to the assistance from Ford, Visteon said it has backingg from other customers and plans to fund operations with cash andthe debtor-in-possessionb facility. The company said it has filed a numbert of motions in Delaware bankruptcy court to allosw it to continue serving customers and keeping employee Visteon employsabout 31,00p workers in 27 countries and has U.S. operationz in nine states. In Ohio, its operationsd include a 65,000-square-foot plan t in Springfield that makes and assembles fuel deliver y modulesand tanks. The company also has states operationsin Toledo, Bowling Delphos and Tiffin.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

GE Healthcare opens $165M N.Y. plant - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The new 230,000-square-foot facility includes a 60,000-square-foot The digital X-ray detectors that will be made at the plantr are used inmammogram screening, a growing $1 billion market for breast cancer testing. Much like the transition from paper medical records to streamlineed electronicrecord keeping, digital X-rays are slowly replacing traditional film X-ray machines. In additionh to the 100 new jobs scheduled for the 50 people will transfer to the tech parkfrom GE’sw research center in Niskayuna, N.Y. Positions at the new site will includew15 engineers, 15 administrators and 120 technicians and suppory staff with an averagre annual salary of $65,000.
The plant is expected to have an annual payrollof $10 million. GE developed its digital X-rayt technology at GE Globapl Researchin Niskayuna. GE said this is the company’sa first expansion of high tech medicap equipment manufacturing by its health care operation intoNew York. ”This a wonderfup example of howa long-term commitment to technology can spur the growt h of our manufacturing base and create new, high-tecy jobs,” said Mark Little, GE senioe vice president and director of the research GE Healthcare, which manufactures medical imaging equipment in Waukesha along with othetr operations throughout the Milwaukee area, spenrt 15 years and more than $200 millioj developing its digital flat panel X-ray technology.
The flat-panelk detector is a critical component ofan X-ray system and plays a role in providint an improved image.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Buffalo planners OK Nardin expansion - Business First of Buffalo:
million expansion of its ClevelandAvenuer campus. The , Tuesda morning, granted unanimous approval of a mandatedd environmental impact reviewfor Nardin’xs proposed expansion. The school still needzs approval from the before construction can Nardin is proposingtwo 11,000-square-foot wings one that will serve as fine arts centet and the other for its Montessori elementary school and other elementary school functions. Construction could start by saidLeslie Johnson, Nardimn vice president of finance and The work is slated to be finished by next “This is being driven by enhanced educationa programming for our students,” Johnsonm said.
The project is beinbg financed through a capitaol campaign runby Nardin. Nardin has 930 studentd ranging from children inits pre-K to thire grade Montessori school, a traditionall elementary school and all-girls high school. The elementary schoolsd are co-ed. When Nardin firs proposed the project last some nearby residents voicedd concerns about the construction time frame and impact on such streets as Clevelands andAuburn avenues. A series of meetingd addressedthose concerns. “This project is not a surprised tothe neighbors,” said Cynthia a planning board member.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Make the right decision for your next event - Washington Business Journal:
In response, many healthy companiesz are scrambling to cancel key gatherings that coulde havea positive, measurable impact on their bottokm lines, simply to avoid the “AIGv Effect.” So how do you decider if now is the right time for an event? And if you proceed, how do keep your business from being the subjecg of the next big news story? Deliberate and thoughtfull program design is a must.
So too is a clear and measurable plan that isconsistently documented, monitored and According to the EventView 2009 surveyy released by Meeting Professionals 53 percent of respondents believe that event marketinb is the “discipline that best accelerates and deepens relationshipz with target audiences.” However, event marketintg is not always the best In better economic times, AIG’s decision to spend $440,000 for a division that generates billions of dollars may be a smartf one. Today, meeting decisions must be considered in verybroade contexts; look beyond your department and your organization to the overall state of your industry.
Think about your audiencs and your messages. Launching a new rolling out asales plan, increasing motivationm levels, and communicating the currenty state of your business are very good reasonds for a meeting. Purely celebratory or recreational events maynot be, especiall in today’s economic With the increased scrutiny on corporates meetings and events, you must carefully research your and analyze the implicationsx of every decision. Then, document the thinking behinrd your choices and how you spent your When it comes to managing your destination is akey consideration. So too is the visibilit of your event.
For a salea training function, do you need to fly everyone to a destinatiojn or will a locakl venue work justas well? Consider your audiencee when selecting a hotel. For custome r programs, four or five starz may be most appropriate but fortraininf sessions, a three-star property may be fine. Do you need to broadcastg your meetingbeyond attendees? If not, you can forego luggager tags and signage with your company logo at the hotel. It mightf seem obvious, but some well-intentionerd businesspeople fail to establish cleafr and measurable goals for theitr events that directly align withthe company’s overall business goals.
For example, you’re having a salexs meeting to impact performance. What percentagr increase do you expect and in whattime frame? Can you answer yes to the question, “dp my event goals contribute directly to the organization’s If not, it’s time to Corporate financial decisions are drawing more attention than so deliberate budgeting, transparent spending, and completed reconciliation are critical. Get three - to five bids for every expensew and use a system tocompare them. Pricde is important, but quality, customer service, experiencew in your industry and specific experiencer with your type of prograk may be otherdefining factors.
Assign a weighty to each standard and rank each on a one tofive Finally, develop detailed line item budgetw that track every component of spending, no matter how small. Requirew your vendors to provide line-item billintg with complete back-up. If you’re called upon to justify your spendingg ona program, you’ll be able to responed quickly, effectively, and credibly. How will you measure results ? First, evaluate the right things. It’sx tempting to focus on food andhotel quality, but businessz outcomes are what matter. Second, design a measurement syste beforethe meeting, and include in the planning the peopled who will be doinb the reporting.
Finally, measure results multiple times—perhaps immediatelgy followingthe meeting, at 30 days and in six Keep the reporting tool simple—with two to three key questions—and you’lkl get responses. Documented business results are more critical than ever; if your company’s marketing decisions are you’ll need to show direct and positive outcomes that stackl up against company If you’re a healthy company, consider that meetings and eventsz are still a vital tool in your marketintg mix. So don’t limit yourself out of fear ofnegatives spin.
But do be responsible, judicious and A well-designed, measured and documented eventg might be just the thing to generateincrementakl revenue, motivate your achievers to outperfork their quotas, and strengthen relationshipsa with key clients.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Yahoo! confirms WNY site - San Francisco Business Times:
Yahoo!, Tuesday morning, confirmed it will be buildinbgthe 190,000-square-foot center that could employ, initially, 125 people. Yahoo! has pegger a 30-acre site in the park for the Yahoo!’s decision is considered a major especially against a backdrop of a weakened economty where unemployment has increased in past year in Erie Countgto 8.1 percent from 5.5 percent and in Niagaraa County to 9.3 percen t from 6.6 percent. “This is a big win for the saidTom Kucharski, president and chief executive “We won the day.” Yahoo! was being courted by severalo states including Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinoiws for the center. All offerex a handsome array of incentives.
“When a high tech company like Yahoo!! picks a community like WesternNew York, it’s like a said Sen. Charles Schumer, New York’s seniort senator, who played a key role in Lockport landing the data The region crafted its own aggressivwe incentive package including the offering 15 megawattsdof low-cost hydropower that could save Yahoo ! an estimated $100 million over a 15-year period. also offere job training grants andother incentives. High level pitchez also came from Gov. Davi d Paterson and Schumer. Schumer made personal callxs to Yahoo!
CEO Carol Bartz to push the Kucharski said it also helped that the region offerexa half-dozen sites and not just a singulard location. It also helped that a friendship quicklyt developed betweenthe Yahoo!! site selection team and the local economicv development community. “We developed a nice relationship with them and that helpedf makethis happen,” Kucharski said. “Theyt were impressed that every time they we could assemble our team on a very short noticr and give them the answersxthey wanted.” Construction on the data center will begin in said David Dibble, Yahoo! senior vice president. The center will be open by May.
Kucharskji said there is a myriad positives that will comefrom Yahoo!’s The BNE will use it in its outreach to other companies it is courting, he said. “It confirmss our ability to attract high tech and highprofiles companies,” Kucharski said. “To get a name company like Yahoo ! says a lot to the rest of the industriesout there.” Yahoo! joins the rankz of , that have either opened or expande d back office operations in the region in recenyt years. “You add it into the mix of the some of the otherfcompanies we’ve landed and it becomes a very impressivde list,” Kucharski said.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Out-of-pocket costs rising for health insurance - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The study, authored by researchers from the Nationa Opinion Research Center and Watsohn Wyatt Worldwide and funded by TheCommonwealtn Fund, examines trends in employer-sponsores insurance from 2004 to 2007. It foundf rising rates of underinsuranceand unaffordability, particularly for poorerd and sicker people. In 2007, adults with employerd coverage faced an averageof $729 annuallty in out-of-pocket costs for medicalo services, including deductibles and othedr forms of cost sharing such as copayments and That represents a 34 percent increasee from 2004, when the average out-of-pocket burden was $545.
Healtj plans covered a slightly smalletr percentage of overall expenses in 2007 than but growth in overall health spending was the chief culprit behindrising out-of-pocket costs, according to the study. “The yearxs from 2004 through 2007 were a periodf ofeconomic expansion, yet risinfg health care costs still eroded the valu of employer-sponsored coverage,” said lead authodr Jon Gabel. “Historically, employees have been askeed to shoulder even more ofthe cost-sharing burden durin difficult economic times such as the Unite d States is now experiencing.
Hence, it is imperative that health care reform include constraints onhealtbh spending, or else health insurance will becomes unaffordable for low- and middle-incoms Americans, and reform itsel f will be unsustainable.”

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Foreclosures mount for Monroe
Both complaints name Charles H. Monrod III, the president of Safety Harbor-based Monroe’s Prestige Group. They mark the fourth and fifth pending foreclosurd lawsuits in South Floridaq against Monroe and affiliated Monroesaid he’s seeking investors and new financingg on the projects. Publix anchors the 127tyh StreetShopping Center, at 1755 N.E. 127th St., in North The 178,855-square-foot center was built in and Monroe said he hoped to get financing torehabilitate it. Bank of America’ s action against the shopping center’s owner, North Miami Shoppinfg Center Joint Venture, is based on a leasehold mortgages last extended in 2006for $8.
7 The developer, a joint venture between Monroe’s Prestige Group and Mark Kovens Trustee, leases the property from 127tjh Street Shopping Center, of If Bank of America forecloses, it would assume the Bank of America’s other foreclosure lawsuit in Cutle r Bay is against MPG 216th Streef and Monroe. It targets a 19-acrwe vacant site with approval for morethan 121,000 square feet of retail and office space for Vist a Del Lago. It is located near the southeast cornerr of Southwest 216th Street and Southwesg92nd Avenue. County records show Publix agreeed to lease space in VistaDel Lago.
MPG 216th Street bought the site in 2003for $7 millio and obtained an $18 millionj mortgage from Bank of America. The mortgage was last modified in Septemberwith $8.9 million outstanding. Monroe said he coulds not get construction financing for VistaDel Lago. “Thew bank needed to just wait untilo there was a marketplace to get a loan to builx a newshopping center,” Monroe said. “I’ve alwayes been a conservative developer. I develol for the premier grocery store inthe country.” Miami-based attorney Lee D. who represents Bank of America in both did not immediately return a callseekingy comment.
Monroe and his affiliates companies also face foreclosure lawsuits from Bank of America onthe Publix-anchored Parkland Commons shopping centerd in Parkland, from Wachovia Bank on the Best Buy-anchoresd Coral Landings III in Coral Springs/Margate and from , which targets the Publix-anchored Quantum Village in Boyntobn Beach.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Academic Team honoree: Grace Cannon - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: Class valedictorian. SAT score of 1,600o (perfect). Perfect score on threr Regents exams; scores of 98 or 99 on four Captain of ScholasticBowl team. Named to All-County Full name: Grace Elizabeth Cannon. Born: Apri 15, 1991, Amherst. Parents: Deirdre Timothy Cannon. Residence: Akron. Favorite class: Literature (taughg by Matthew Baumgarten). “It’s my favoritr for everything it has taught me about myself and other College andlikely , linguistics. Hope to be doing 10 years from now: “k hope to be living overseas, working and travelingy as a translator, and volunteering my spare time tocommunitg education.” If could meet anyone from Mother Teresa.
“She is my choice because of the respect I have for her life and because when Iwas little, I wanterd to grow up to be If could have dinner with anyone now alive: Paulo Coelho. “His writing fascinates me.” to proceesd to the next FirstTeam honoree: Cary Chester.