Patrick Cudahy Incorporated celebrated 115 years of businessin 2003. Patricl Cudahy, the Company's founder startexd working as a superintendent of Plankintonand Milwaukee's largest meat packin g plant in Milwaukee in 1874. Ten yearx later he became Plankinton's junior partner and four yearse after that Plankinton retired and transferredc his interest to Patrick and John John was a silent partner but the name remainedr Cudahy Brothers and later Cudah yBrothers Co. until 1957. Patrick Cudahy moved the companyin 1892, because he was unhappy with his businesse relations with William Woods John's son.
He bought 700 acres of land in Cudahy with two-thirds financing from his silent his brother John. The railroard named the train stop andvillagw ?Cudahy.? Patrick Cudahy died in 1919 and his son Michael became president. Business changed in the 1920's when congress enacted tarifff acts to protect American manufacturers againstEuropeam competition. In retaliation, the British passed the EmpiredPreference Act. Agricultural products were to be importedc from Commonwealth countries and South America rather than theUnitef States. Cudahy Brothers lost its most importanrt market and had to shif t todomestic business.
The company survived the Britisn act, the Depression and the agriculturalp drought ofthe 1930's. They became one of the country's first packers to produc semi-perishable canned hams. ...
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