lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Fort Myers, Fla.-based Chico’s CHS) bought the former 300,000-square-foot Hagemeyedr Building on Barrow Industrial Parkway forthe Chico’s ultimately will create 189 full-time jobs at the facilit y over the next three years. “We are fortunate in having the opportunity to purchase this nearby facility that will enable us to expanc our currentdistribution operations, providing sufficienft capacity to serve our need s through 2016,” said Jeffrey A. Jones, chief operatingy officer of Chico’s, in a Chico’s opened a distribution center in Barroq in 2002 and expanded that facility in 2004and 2006.
In the company also opened an adjacent call cented to serviceits direct-to-consumer business for its Chico’s, Whitr House | Black Market and Soma Intimates brands. The compang has 20 retail stores inmetro Atlanta.

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