domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Spectrum Brands to exit Ch. 11 in August - Denver Business Journal:
The Atlanta-based consumer products company said it will exit bankruptcu protection as soon as all closing conditiones tothe plan, including the closin g of the company’s exit financing, have been met. That will likely be in the company said. “When we we will have reduced our subordinated debtby $840 milliob and eliminated approximately $60 million of annuao cash interest expenses for at least each of the next two said Kent Hussey, CEO of Spectrum Brands, in a prepared “We will emerge with a stronged balance sheet that will better position us to maintainj and strengthen our current platform and to pursur opportunities to grow our Spectrum Brands and its U.S.
subsidiaries filed for Chaptetr 11 inthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Westerjn Districtof Texas, San Antonio Division on Feb. 3. It had $4.4 billiobn in debt. Spectrum makes Rayovac batteries, Tetra pet supplies, Remington shaving and grooming and personalcare products, household insecticides and lawn and gardem care products.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Houston Business Journal:
"Virtually any employee who is attractivse to a business is attractive to other organizationas well, and health care is the No. 1 thintg employees ask about after compensation," Tasseyy says. But if you've never offerede a health plan at yourbusineses before, the research process can plunge you into an unfamilia world of acronyms - HMO, PPO, HSA- and the optionss can be overwhelming. So if it's your firstf trip into the waters of healthinsurance shopping, you woulsd probably be wise to work with a broker or insurancwe adviser.
Health insurance can be a confusing consumedr decisionto make, and having a trainerd professional on your side can make all the notes Tassey, who recommends that peopler ask trusted friends, family, or professional contactw what broker they work with to obtain a good list of potentiak candidates. If you can't get a referral that way and have to resoryto cold-calling brokers, ask for the namesz of two or three of theit clients who you can call to ask how satisfiedf they are with the service they're receiving. Tassey says it's the leasty you can do when choosinb the individual who will handle one of your most importanf internalbusiness decisions.
"You want to be dealingy with an insurance adviser who has experience in your and it's very, very appropriate and very much expectef for you to ask that personj for a couple of references," he "If you're in a small business, you've got your family and your and probably a pet. But if you'r e going to marry your life to a it pays to take the extra minute and checkthose references." Once you've found a broker, Tassey says he or she will help you consider what kind of plansz to offer.
He says a good broker often can give you a picturs of what kind of health care planse are most common in your industr or for businesses of your size so that you can stay If you're offering a health benefir for the first time, you'lo also need to think aboutt how much of the cost of your employees' healtj insurance expenses you're willing and able to pay, and whethetr or not you're willing to pay for healtu care for dependents of employees. And will you requirr new employees to work for your companyg for a certain amount of time before qualifyingfor benefits?
If you have a smalpl business and choose to research insurancs plans independently, without a one piece of information might save you some Tassey says the fact of the matter is that where a 500-employee business has some bargaining power when it comes to their healtnh plan rates, small groups are usually quoted a uniform price basee on size, and it typicallty doesn't leave a lot of room for negotiation. Speakinyg of price tags, another tip is this: When it come to choosing a health the bottom line is not alwaysz thebottom line.
That's to say that while cost is a major concern for almost anyone shopping for health insurance coverage these what you get for the money should be considered along with theprice tag. Janice Torrez. of Blue Cross and Blue Shieldr ofNew Mexico, recommends groups and individuals conside r the restrictions or options that come with certain plans. For Torrez says, a plan that places no restrictiones on what physician a member can see migh t come at ahigher cost.
Likewise, a plan with a low monthlgy premium could sport somewhopping out-of-pockett expenses should one need a service like home healthy care, hospital stays, or medical The LIFE organization advises when shopping for a health care businesses and individuals startt by considering what health-related services are important to Included in the list of services to consider are inpatientg hospital services, outpatient surgery, office medical tests and X-rays, prescriptioj drugs, home health care physical therapy, maternity care, preventative care for infants and and health screenings. Then compare the cost of plands that offer youthose benefits.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Giving to women
According to a first of its kind reporft by the in New York and in San givingto women’s causes by privat e and community foundations is growing faster than philanthropy as a whole, a new studuy finds. Between 1990 and 2006, givingt directed to women and girls by the broader foundation community soared 223 percen t while overall giving by them grew177 (Both numbers are adjusted for inflation.) In actual the amount given to women’s causes durinvg this period climbed from $412 millionh in 1990 to $2.6 billion in 2006. Philanthropyy directed to women and girlws is primarily focusedon health, the studyt noted.
That reflects a belief that focusing on femalewhuman rights, health, education and economic empowerment can improve Data for the report, entitled “Acceleratingv Change for Women and Girls: The Role of Women’ss Funds” came from the Foundation Center’ annual grants database of all grantz over $10,000 awarded by 1,0000 large foundations, information provided by 55 Women’ s Funds and a 2008 online surveu conducted by the Women’s Funding Network.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

St. Luke strikes deal to withdraw from Health Alliance - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The settlement clears the way for St. Luke to merge with , creating a Northerm Kentucky health system with five hospitals and numerous outpatient facilitiesin Campbell, Kenton, Grant and Pendleton counties. St. Luke's hospitals are located in Fort Thomasand Florence. St. Luke receive approval in June forthe St. Elizabeth leaving the Health Alliance settlement as its only obstaclwe tothe deal. St.
Luke and both won the rightf to withdraw from the Health Alliance inApril 2007, but the parties were previouslh unable to come to terms on the division of assets and liabilities from the region’s largest hospital “Through good-faith negotiations, we found middle ground and forgefd a compromise that safeguards the interestsa of our respective hospitals, and by extension, our patients,” said Ken president and CEO of the Health Alliance, in a news “This agreement will allow closure for all St. Luke stakeholderes and help pave the way for us to take the next stepwith St. Elizabethu Medical Center,” said Dr. Richard Laib, chairman of the board at St.
in the release. Christ Hospital, which has begun operatinv as anindependent hospital, is still negotiatinbg the terms of debt and asset divisiob with the Alliance.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Bankrupt GM owes Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Maritz millions - St. Louis Business Journal:
billion in revenue in 2008. GM had promised to buy back $33 milliom in vehicles from Enterprise as part of a repurchas eagreement that's similar to a said Christy Conrad, a spokeswoman for Enterprise. "Ww have a good working relationship with GM and have received assurances that the manufacturer will honor the she said. GM also owes Maritzx Inc. in Fenton more than $25.6 million, according to the GM hireds Maritz to perform customer satisfaction researchand surveys, as well as trainingb for dealers to boost customer satisfaction. Maritz also providesx event and incentive programsfor GM.
"Maritza leadership has been in closed contact with GM throughout its reorganizationplanning process," said Beth a spokeswoman for Maritz. "We believse the relationship will continue." Maritz also performas work for , which in April. Maritsz continues to receive payments from Rusert said. Maritz, a family-ownexd sales and marketing services company in reported $1.49 billion in revenues in 2008. GM, which makes Chevrolegt Express and GMC Savana vansin Wentzville, listed $173 billionb in liabilities and $82 billion in assets in its bankruptcy filing.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Assessment by NATO Says Taliban Attacks Are Diminishing - Gainesville Sun

Press TV

Assessment by NATO Says Taliban Attacks Are Diminishing

Gainesville Sun

KABUL, Afghanistan â€" Despite a sharp increase in assassinations and a continuing flood of civilian casualties, NATO officials said Saturday that they had reversed the momentum of the Taliban insurgency as enemy attacks were f »

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Delta inks $12B partnership with Air France/KLM - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The trans-Atlantic alliance betweenj the world’s largest carrier DAL) and Europe’s largest airlined group will offer more flight better scheduling and more competitive the carriers said in a joint announcement from The $12 billion revenue figure is basee on flights operated by Delta, KLM, Air France to respectivwe hubs, plus connecting service. The deal bolsterz the strength of the alliance against competing joint venturedsand . Delta signed a joint venturd deal with Air Francein 2007. , which Delta acquired last October, has been a partner with KLM since 1997.
The new partnership represents a quartef ofall trans-Atlantic air service, the carriers Delta and Air France/KLMM will coordinate as a singlee carrier on trans-Atlantic service. The pact includese routes between North Americaand Europe, North Americaw and Africa, Europe and Latin America (where Delta is particularly and the Middle East and India, the carriers said. Flightsd between the U.S. and the European Union will be “mutually code-shared” where permissible, the carriers said.
"Th e structure of this joinyt venture, in which we operate as a singls business where we consensually develop our strategies and sharw revenuesand costs, provides the incentives for us to collaborat e in a way that generates benefits for shareholders and employees of our three airlines," Deltsa CEO Richard Anderson said in a statement. "Customers will benefirt from the unique scope and choices we will while shareholders and employees will benefit from the strongert competitive and financial position of ourrespective airlines.
" The carriere said the venture will increase the visibility through coordinatede marketing of all three airlines across 400-plus airports worldwide, and the respective brands will link at North American and European ports. "Thisx strategic partnership puts us in a good positionb compared with othermajor alliances, which are extremelu active on the world's leading long-haul By integrating our trans-Atlantic operations, we will give our passengerz what they desire: more more frequencies, more convenieng flight schedules and superior customer service," Pierre-Henr Gourgeon, president and CEO of Air France KLM, said in a news "By optimizing the use of our poole d resources, this joint venture will help us weatherf the current economic situation and protect our producg offering.
" All three carriersz will govern the new alliancre collectively, with work groups created to managd such aspects as network, revenue, sales frequengt flyer programs, advertising, cargo and technology. The new deal does not have a set end but can be terminated witha three-year notic after the first ten years. The partnership includes a network of more than 200dailyh flights. Flights are structure around six main hubsin Amsterdam, Atlanta, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York and Paris, as well as Delta’sx Cincinnati, Memphis and Salt Lake City bases andAir France’s Lyon hub.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Portola inks potential $470M Merck deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Merck (NYSE: MRK) will pay South San Francisco-base Portola an upfront fee of $50 million. The valuse of the deal could climbto $470 million, the companies upon hitting development, regulatory and commercialization Privately held Portola also coulr receive double-digit royalties on worldwide sales if betrixaban is Merck will take on all developmentf and commercialization costs, including the costs of Phasw III clinical trials. But Portola has options to co-fun d the Phase III trials in return for higherd royalties andto co-promote the drug in the Unitedd States.
Betrixaban, now in Phase II triap to prevent stroke in patientsw withatrial fibrillation, is an oral Factor Xa inhibitodr anticoagulant. Several oral Factor Xa drugs are in developmentg because currentanticoagulants — like warfarin, the most frequently prescribed one in North America — are associated with bleeding as well as drug and food Betrixaban, however, is the only drug currentlt being studied in patients with severew and moderate kidney impairment, the companies said. Portola in Februarhy won $75 million upfront from (NYSE: NVS) for a mid-stag e anti-clotting treatment.
Milestone payments could push the valuse of that deal upto $500 Portola CEO Charles Homcy said the dealds with Merck and Novartis validate the quality of the company’ drug candidates and R&D expertise. “This representws a significant milestone for the and we now haveover $175 millionn in cash to further advancre the rest of our valuable proprietarty pipeline,” Homcy said in a press release.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

$1M donation gives UT graduate programs a boost - Boston Business Journal:
Ungerleider, who received his bachelor's degree in psychologyu in 1970 from UT while competing as a said he's creating the fellowship named for the current universityu president to help attract top graduates students from around the world. The firstr class of Powers Graduate Fellowa will enter the university infall 2009. "Wew have an absolute gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionary sitting in the president'sa office. I wanted to honor both." The gift has been facilitateed by Ungerleider through the Foundation for Global Sports an outreach and mentorshipeducational fund, where Ungerleider is a "We are indebted to Dr.
Ungerleidetr for this generous gift," said Powers. "He clearly understandsw the importance of graduated students to the succeses ofour university. I am deeplg honored that he chosew to name this significant fellowship programaftet me." Despite receiving his master's and doctor's degrees from anothert institution, Ungerleider chose The University of Texasa at Austin for his gift to support the president'ws goal of becoming the top public researc h institution in the country.
Ungerleider said in conversationx with Powers he learned that whild many top prospective graduate studentsw would like to attendUT Austin, the universitt loses some because they are offereed better financial packages elsewhere. To learn more about graduate education atthe university, Ungerleider lookedr at the university's most prestigious graduate fellowship program, the Donald D. Harrington Graduate Fellowship, and met with severao Harringtongraduate fellows. He said he was impressed with the mode l of supporting the very best students witha multi-yeafr package and providing a community of mentors and peers to enhance the graduate experience.
Ungerleider said he wante to create another fellowship program to honot the academic excellence of the next generatiomn and continue the practice of graduater students developing their own expertise undedr the mentorship ofseasoned faculty. "In the Graduate School will celebratdits 100-year anniversary and will look towarf the future of graduate education at the said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provosr and dean of graduate "This inspiring gift is vital to fulfilling our vision of attractiny the highest quality students to the Graduatew School.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Hidden behind the curtain - The West Australian

The West Australian

Hidden behind the curtain

The West Australian

For more than 40 years, that curtain kept a huge swathe of Europe out of sight of the rest of the world. Hidden behind a Soviet ideology, individual national identities were repressed by an overbearing and autocratic system to which nations such as ...

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

What's next for Kodak retirees? - News 10NBC

News 10NBC

What's next for Kodak retirees?

News 10NBC

All the buzz about Kodak hiring bankruptcy lawyers has investors, employees and retirees wondering and waiting. They want to know what's next for Kodak and what the future holds for them. For retirees who depend on Kodak benefits to carry them through ...

and more »

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Kmart, Sears and Home Depot put holiday displays up early - The Detroit News

Macon Telegraph

Kmart, Sears and Home Depot put holiday displays up early

The Detroit News

Sears, Kmart and Home Depot were among the first wave of retailers to set up their holiday displays and merchandise during the last week of September. "This is a benefit to our customers who like to view everything at once and plan out what they want ...

Autumn arrives with a Christmas push

Jackson Sun

Ho-ho-ho already? In stores, yes

Ho, Ho or maybe no?

Muncie Star Press
