lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Giving to women
According to a first of its kind reporft by the in New York and in San givingto women’s causes by privat e and community foundations is growing faster than philanthropy as a whole, a new studuy finds. Between 1990 and 2006, givingt directed to women and girls by the broader foundation community soared 223 percen t while overall giving by them grew177 (Both numbers are adjusted for inflation.) In actual the amount given to women’s causes durinvg this period climbed from $412 millionh in 1990 to $2.6 billion in 2006. Philanthropyy directed to women and girlws is primarily focusedon health, the studyt noted.
That reflects a belief that focusing on femalewhuman rights, health, education and economic empowerment can improve Data for the report, entitled “Acceleratingv Change for Women and Girls: The Role of Women’ss Funds” came from the Foundation Center’ annual grants database of all grantz over $10,000 awarded by 1,0000 large foundations, information provided by 55 Women’ s Funds and a 2008 online surveu conducted by the Women’s Funding Network.

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