domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Brady's legacy, Gronkowski's ankle and why 2007 means nothing -

Midwest Sports Fans

Brady's legacy, Gronkowski's ankle and why 2007 means nothing

Bill Belichick will tell us nothing, Rob Gronkowski will tell us nothing, but we'll read into what wasn't said, body language, level of limping, size of boot,  »

viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Extended Stay Hotels files Chapter 11 - Charlotte Business Journal:
The Spartanburg, S.C.-based company filed the reorganization petitionb in New York bankruptcy court, Secretary and General Counsep Joseph Teichman writing that Extendec Stay had about $7.1 billion in assetd and $7.6 billion in liabilities at the end of 2008. Extendedr Stay, whose more than 680 properties are managee byHVM LLC, has eight Centrak Ohio sites, including thosew near the Mall at Tuttle Polaris Fashion Place and Easton Town Center. The company bille itself as the largest operatorrof mid-priced extended-stay hotels in the nation.
Teichman in a court filing on Monday wrote that the company soughr protection from creditors amid a genera l downturn in the hospitality industry and a hit take n as fewer potential customers needthe company’s “Since the typical Extended Stay customer seek a lengthy stay based on commercial relocation, the contraction of constructiojn and new business development began to significantly and adversely affected Extended Stay’s revenue stream,” Teichmamn wrote. The company said its average revenue per room droppee about 23 percent in the first five month of the year compared with the same periorof 2008.
As a result, it was unabler to deal with its debt burden with cash flow and is seekingta “comprehensive restructuring of the entire capital Extended Stay said it planes to run operations following the Chapter 11 petition under a lender-approver arrangement using cash collateral. Debtor-in-possession financin g won’t be needed, the company said. Abouf 9,900 employees work in hotels operated byExtendexd Stay. The company is in 44 states and hasabout 77,000p rooms.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

CalPERS committee OKs health care rate increases - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Rate proposals approved by the committee will go to the full CalPERa Board of Administration foractioj Wednesday. Basic HMO rates for state workerd will rise an averageof 3.43 percent in 2010, down from almostr 6.6 percent in 2009. The rate hikes run from a low of 0.32 percen t for Blue Shield Net Value to a highof 4.9 percent for Kaiser. Figures for public agency workers vary by Medicare HMO rates for all workerzs and regions will increase an averag eof 0.27 percent in 2010, but vary from a 12.27 drop for membersw of Blue Shield Access+ to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaiser members.
“We are extremely pleased to presenfthese rates,” Gregory Franklin, assistant executive officerr of CalPERS health benefits branch, told committede members Tuesday. “Negotiations were extremely tough. There were many optionsz and extra meetings on what we werelookintg for: affordability.” The Kaiser rates were achieved by aligning them with the Blue Shielxd benefit design, Franklin said. Kaiser will eliminat e chiropractic benefits next year and increase the copaymen t fora 100-day supply of prescription drugs. CalPERSx kept the lid on increases atits self-funder preferred provider organization plans by usinf $46.7 million in surplus reserves to “buy rates.
The average PPO rate increaswe for state workers in 2010is 3.29 but it runs from a low of 1.38 percent for PERS Selecrt to a high of 12 percent for PERSCare. Medicarde PPO rates will increase an averageof 0.27 percent in all but they range from a 12.27 percentg drop for Blue Shield Access+ to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaiser coverage. Committee chair Priyaa Mathur applauded the plans and CalPERSe staff for the goodrate news, adding that the small increases in 2010 are due to cumulative changes over the last severak years to operate the healtuh benefits program more cost-effectivelu without jeopardizing quality of care.

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Speech issues cut short Giffords's return to Congress - Sydney Morning Herald

ABC News

Speech issues cut short Giffords's return to Congress

Sydney Morning Herald

Gabrielle Giffords … recovering. Photo: AP WASHINGTON: For months, the US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in an assassination attempt last year, sign »

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

A&R Development picked for $17M Jonestown project - Houston Business Journal:
The project falls into the city’s aims to remake Centralk Avenue, which has seen a wave of new development in receny years building off the success of nearby Harbor East. A&R, led by Anthony Rodgers, hopes to builcd a mixed-use development including 107 rental 18,000 square feet of retail space and 156 parking said Tuesday it awarded the firm exclusive negotiatinyg rights forthe city-owned land at 110 S. Centra Ave. and 1120 Granby St. The properties combine for about 29,00 square feet. The BDC, the city’as economic development arm, offered the and two others, up for redevelopmen t in August 2008.
“These properties give the city the opportunity totake vacant, underutilized properties and have them renewed as private enterprises that will generate taxes and enhancd the Jonestown/Washington Hill community,” BDC President M.J. “Jay” Brodide said in a statement. The city also tapped Mitey LLC to negotiats for a second siteat 1301-1309 E. Lombard St. Miteyh is a real estate company formedby Gerry’s Tire which hopes to use the propertyh to expand its adjacent business. Mitey planes to use the 4,518-square-foot property in the shortt term as a temporary parking lot for its businessz and would expand ontothe city-owned propertgy in the future.
The city is reserving the rights for thethired property, at 130 S. Central Ave.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

N. Ky's Vision 2015 releases third annual progress report - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Northern Kentucky Tri-ED oversees the primary industr y job goal ofcreating 14,3090 net new jobs, which will enablr the region to meet the goal of creatin g 50,000 net new jobs by 2015. In 2007, 2,540 net new primary jobs were created, puttingf the organization at 17.8 percent of its goal. Job creatioh data for 2008 won’t be available untikl September. “Even though the country is experiencinvg turbulenteconomic times, we estimate that Northernm Kentucky will only be slightlh behind the target goal of 4,290 primarhy industry jobs for 2007 and 2008,” the repor t said. The report heralded the job creation as one ofthe community’z top “wins” for the year.
Other wins • An expected $571 millionn in economic impact through the creation of 20 new or expande business investmentsand 3,395 jobs created; The launch of LaunchPad, a partnershipo between • Progress beinbg made since the launch of the Catalyticc Development Funding Corp. of Northerh Kentucky; • Announcement of a bold vision of open space and entertainment venues forthe riverfront; And the success of variousx regional stewardship initiatives, such as service “Vision 2015’s role in the community is dynamixc and often hard to explain,” Vision 2015 Chairman A.J. Schaefferr said in a news release.
“Fodr this year’s report, we felt it was important to emphasizeVisionj 2015’s purpose and the different roles we play in the effort to advancwe the community’s goals outlined in the The report will be available on the Visio n 2015 Web site at

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Security Bank CFO leaving - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
McLemore leaves July 13. Michael B. senior vice president and CFO of Securityt Bank ofBibb County, was named interim CFO. "Jinm has been a valued member of the Security Bank management team for the pastseve years, and we wish him succesz in his new said Tony E. Collins, president and CEO, in a Macon-based Security Bank, Georgia’as fourth-largest bank with $2.8 billion in is under federalregulatory oversight. And Security Bank of Gwinnett County had the highes t problem loan ratio of any Georgiza bank in thefirsrt quarter. One-half of the bank’s $210 million loan portfoliop is in some stage of delinquencyor default.
The bank is one of five ownee by Security Bank that is undef a regulatory watch and In a March Securities and Exchange Commission the auditor for SecurityBank (NASDAQ: SBKC) revealecd doubts about the institution’s ability to survive as a going Auditor McNair, Mclemore, Middlebrooks & Co. LLP said it has “uncertainty about the [Security Bank's] ability to meet obligations coming due in The bank hasroughly $300 million in totao borrowed funds, according to its annua l report. That figure is 45 perceng higher thanthe bank’s $204 million debt levekl in 2007. Security Bank trimmed its lossto $18.
5t million in the first quarter and withdrew its application to participate in the TARP Capitao Purchase Program.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Exact to raise $8.2M, signs MAYO deal - Memphis Business Journal:
million through a private stocik sale and that it inked a licensing deal for exclusiv rightsto cancer-diagnostic technologiesz developed by the for Medical Education and Research. The company said it had commencedc on June 11 the saleof 4.31 millionb shares of its common stock at a purchas price of $1.90 a share. Exact (Nasdaq: EXAS), based in Mass., announced a plan to acquirs the worldwide licensing rights tothe blood- or stool-basedf cancer diagnostics and screening technologies developed the MAYO which is based in Minnesota.
Under the deals terms, Exac will: • make upfront paymentxs of $80,000 and a milestone fee of $250,000 upon the commencemenrt of certainclinical • pay a milestone fee of $500,000p if the approves any of the productd covered by the agreement. • pay a minimunm of $10,000 on the deal’s third anniversary pay a minimum royaltyof $25,000 on the fourtjh anniversary of the agreement support certain research projects to the tune of $500,00o0 — at a minimum — in the agreement’s first Exact is also obligated to grant MAYO two warrantsx to purchase 1.25 million shares of its common The warrants have six-year terms and are exercisabler at a price of $1.
90 per according to a regulatory filing.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Honeywell tests show renewable jet fuels work as well as traditionals - Business First of Louisville:
Honeywell data (NYSE:HON) showed little difference in the two fuel in test runs inits 131-9 auxiliar y power units and its TFE 731-5 turbofajn engine, officials reported at the Paris Air The tests were conducted at its Phoenix facilities. The fuel was producedf by Honeywell for use in aBoeing Co. biofuelo test flight program. “In a series of testws in both propulsion engines andcommercial APUs, Honeywellk saw no degradation in engine performance or fuel said Bob Smith, vice presiden of advanced technology for Honeywell Ron Rich, the company’s director of advances technology, said the prospect of developingf renewable jet fuels from sources such as jatrophqa and algae, which comprised the test fuel, coul d help reduce the carbon footprint of jet travel.
“These testing results are a strong step towards certification and commerciakl use in the coming he said. Honeywell helped develop the fuel througn itssubsidiary UOP, which originally developeds the fuel under a contract from the U.S. Defensde Advanced Research Projects Agency.

martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Palo Alto Chamber wants business registry - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
"Like our city, our businesses are feeling the grear strain of thecurrent economy; the timing of this tax is ill adviserd for the economic health of Palo said Paula Sandas, CEO of the Palo Alto Chamberf of Commerce. The Chamber is advocatinvg for a Business Registry in Palo fromwhich "concrete data will be gathered identifyingh the number and types of local After gathering the data on local businesses, the Chambedr is eager to collaborate with the city and the broadet business community with a blue ribbon task forcd in open, thorough the Chamber said in a prepared statement.
The tax proposaol is headed to the Palo Alto City Council for approvao and the city plans to then put the question to voterwsin November. Earlier this montn the city’s four-member finance committes deadlocked on whether the tax oughgt to be assessed against gross receipts or the number of butthe nine-member council could go with a thircd option, a flat business tax when it tacklea the issue on Monday. The tax coule raise about $3 million.

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

New monument explores significance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life -

New monument explores significance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life

The earliest quotation comes from 1955 and the latest four days before his assassination in 1968. On the main boulder, there are two sayings: “OUT OF THE MOUNTAIN OF DESPAIR A STONE OF HOPE” and “I WAS A DRUM MAJOR FOR JUSTICE, PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. ...

and more »

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Haskins instructs Farmedic course in NY - The News

The News

Haskins instructs Farmedic course in NY

The News

Former Ash Flat resident Alan Haskins, Director of the Black River Technical College's Fire Science Program (left), instructs New York firefighters recently on techniques of removing a victim entangled in a baling machine. He was one of two selected ...

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Nashville's Rocky Relationship with Memphis - MyFox Memphis

MyFox Memphis

Nashville's Rocky Relationship with Memphis

MyFox Memphis

Memphis, Tn - Let's be honest. You can't blame Memphis City Councilman Harold Collins for expressing a little paranoia when it comes to anticipating the actions of the upcoming new session of the "rootin'..tootin" Tennessee General Assembly. ...

and more »

domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

TECO profit falls as operations pared - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
million, or 77 cents a compared to $413.2 million, or $1.97 a share in 2007. Revenue for 2008 was $3.4 down about 4.5 percent from $3.6 billion in revenuse in 2007. For the fourth quarter of net incomewas $22 million, or 10 a share, compared to $173.9 million, or 83 centss a share, in the fourth quarter of 2007. Fourth quartet 2008 revenue was $770.3 million, a 10.3 percent decreasew from a year earlier, when revenue for the fourt h quarterwas $858.
3 The weak economy, combined with the impact of the sale of , a transportatio n and storage subsidiary, were responsibl for the decline in year-over-year profits, according to a release from TECO (NYSE: TE), a Tampa-basedd energy holding company. In TECO’s net income included $86. million from the operations of TECO Transpory and the production ofsynthetic fuel, the releasee said. Additionally, the fourth quarter of 2007 includee $149.
4 million in an after-tax gain from the sale of TECO In 2008, the weak economy slowed Florida’s previouslty consistent growth, and the slowdown was reflected in TECO’s results, Sherrilkl Hudson, chairman and chief executive, said in the release. He also said mildef than normal weather for much of the year in Floridas reduced resultsat , the company’s largest At Tampa Electric, net income for the fourth quarter was $28.90 million, compared with $29 million for the same periof in 2007. Net income for the full year of 2008was $135.6 million, compared to $150.32 million in 2007.
Tampa Electric was hit particularl y hard in the fourth quarter by the downturnj in the Florida housing market and the growing number of foreclosuresd and increasedresidential vacancies, the release Retail energy sales dropped 4 percent for the fourth quartet and 2.8 percent for the full year of 2008 at Tampaw Electric.