jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

N. Ky's Vision 2015 releases third annual progress report - Business Courier of Cincinnati:

Northern Kentucky Tri-ED oversees the primary industr y job goal ofcreating 14,3090 net new jobs, which will enablr the region to meet the goal of creatin g 50,000 net new jobs by 2015. In 2007, 2,540 net new primary jobs were created, puttingf the organization at 17.8 percent of its goal. Job creatioh data for 2008 won’t be available untikl September. “Even though the country is experiencinvg turbulenteconomic times, we estimate that Northernm Kentucky will only be slightlh behind the target goal of 4,290 primarhy industry jobs for 2007 and 2008,” the repor t said. The report heralded the job creation as one ofthe community’z top “wins” for the year.
Other wins • An expected $571 millionn in economic impact through the creation of 20 new or expande business investmentsand 3,395 jobs created; The launch of LaunchPad, a partnershipo between • Progress beinbg made since the launch of the Catalyticc Development Funding Corp. of Northerh Kentucky; • Announcement of a bold vision of open space and entertainment venues forthe riverfront; And the success of variousx regional stewardship initiatives, such as service “Vision 2015’s role in the community is dynamixc and often hard to explain,” Vision 2015 Chairman A.J. Schaefferr said in a news release.
“Fodr this year’s report, we felt it was important to emphasizeVisionj 2015’s purpose and the different roles we play in the effort to advancwe the community’s goals outlined in the The report will be available on the Visio n 2015 Web site at www.Vision2015.org.

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