lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Port San Antonio tenant begins air cargo service to Mexico - Baltimore Business Journal:
, the port’s foreighn trade zone operator, will host the servicwe on Mexpress. LOGITEX USA will serv as the sales agent. Mexpress is an air cargp transportation company that catersto small- to medium-sizec companies that need to ship less than a trailer load of Mexpress, in turn, will aggregate the cargo and ship customers’ materialsd out via air cargo shippers at the port threse times a week. “Thie service will be very important to companiess in need of air cargo transport between our regio and the strategic cargo centersin Mexico,” says Jorge Canavati, vice president of business development for Port San Antonio.
“Ar the same time it is an efficient tool for smal and medium sized companies that need to ship a pallert or two ata time.” The companies involve d in this partnership envision offering this service to other markets in Mexico and Central America. The companiees could also serve as a feeder to and from Asia throug h international aircargo hubs. “Wde are opening new trade horizons in dealing with PortSan Antonio.” Mexpres President Carlos Duron says.

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