sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

Fish and Wildlife Service contributes $1 million to Edwards Aquifer plan - South Florida Business Journal:

The will use the funds, in to develop a comprehensive plan for protectinh federally listed endangered or threatened species while managingt pumping rights out ofthe aquifer. In 2007, the Texasw Legislature mandated the creation of the aquifer recovery implementation The Edwards Aquifer Authority has a deadlineof 1, 2012 to complete this plan. So far, stakeholderes in the program have contributed morethan $775,00p0 towards the plan.
In addition to the Edwardds Aquifer Authority, other stakeholderas in the plan includewater cities, groundwater conservation districts, agricultural users, industrial users, environmental individuals, river authorities, downstream and coastal communities and stat e and federal agencies. These stakeholders rely on watert from theEdwards Aquifer. Local stakeholderx are currently working with the Texase Legislature foradditional funds. “The stakeholders have been workingv extraordinarily hard to meet goals set by the saysRobert Gulley, progra manager for the Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program. “Thus far, they have met and exceedef all the goals setfor them.
All parties understanxd that the work ahead will be This is a truly significant gran that will not only assist the stakeholdersd in continuing to meet their goals but also reinforcesthe U.S. Fish and Wildlifde Service’s commitment to our program.” The Greater Edwardd Aquifer Alliance sponsored the grantf application beforethe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Sen. John Cornym and U.S. Reps. Charlie Ciro D. Rodriguez and Lamar Smitnh all wrote letters of support toward the federakgrant application. Web site: earip.tamu.

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