domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

$1M donation gives UT graduate programs a boost - Boston Business Journal:
Ungerleider, who received his bachelor's degree in psychologyu in 1970 from UT while competing as a said he's creating the fellowship named for the current universityu president to help attract top graduates students from around the world. The firstr class of Powers Graduate Fellowa will enter the university infall 2009. "Wew have an absolute gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionary sitting in the president'sa office. I wanted to honor both." The gift has been facilitateed by Ungerleider through the Foundation for Global Sports an outreach and mentorshipeducational fund, where Ungerleider is a "We are indebted to Dr.
Ungerleidetr for this generous gift," said Powers. "He clearly understandsw the importance of graduated students to the succeses ofour university. I am deeplg honored that he chosew to name this significant fellowship programaftet me." Despite receiving his master's and doctor's degrees from anothert institution, Ungerleider chose The University of Texasa at Austin for his gift to support the president'ws goal of becoming the top public researc h institution in the country.
Ungerleider said in conversationx with Powers he learned that whild many top prospective graduate studentsw would like to attendUT Austin, the universitt loses some because they are offereed better financial packages elsewhere. To learn more about graduate education atthe university, Ungerleider lookedr at the university's most prestigious graduate fellowship program, the Donald D. Harrington Graduate Fellowship, and met with severao Harringtongraduate fellows. He said he was impressed with the mode l of supporting the very best students witha multi-yeafr package and providing a community of mentors and peers to enhance the graduate experience.
Ungerleider said he wante to create another fellowship program to honot the academic excellence of the next generatiomn and continue the practice of graduater students developing their own expertise undedr the mentorship ofseasoned faculty. "In the Graduate School will celebratdits 100-year anniversary and will look towarf the future of graduate education at the said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provosr and dean of graduate "This inspiring gift is vital to fulfilling our vision of attractiny the highest quality students to the Graduatew School.

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