Hot Hardware | New MSI Wind Top AIO Features LED Panel Hot Hardware MSI is laying claim to being the first in the industry to use an LED panel on an all-in-one computer. The MSI Wind Top AE2071 AIO indeed features a 20-inch multi-touch LED screen, as well as a 2nd-gen Intel CPU, up to 8GB of DDR2 memory, ... |
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011
New MSI Wind Top AIO Features LED Panel - Hot Hardware
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
Inter-Korean factory complex closes temporarily for Kim's funeral - Yonhap News | Inter-Korean factory complex closes temporarily for Kim's funeral Yonhap News 28 (Yonhap) -- North Korea is closing an inter-Korean factory park for two days to mark the funeral of its late leader Kim Jong-il, a Seoul official said Wednesday. The industrial complex in the North Korean border city of Kaesong will halt operations ... S. Korean delegation returns after meeting with Kim Jong Un N. Korea Says It Will Link Inter-Korean Relations with Seoul's Condolences South Korean delegation reports report no political talks with NK heir |
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011
Stamford, Connecticut fire claims five lives - | Stamford, Connecticut fire claims five lives The lives of five family members were lost. The house in Stamford was being remodeled for Madonna Badger, founder of Badger & Winters Group, an advertising company. Badger, her children, her parents and a male acquaintance were at the home when it ... Update: City Fire Claims 5 Lives on Christmas Day 3 girls, 2 adults die in Stamford Christmas blaze Advertising exec's 3 children, parents die in fire at Conn. home on Christmas ... |
viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011
IndyCar announces 15-race schedule, may add 2 more - BusinessWeek
The Epoch Times | IndyCar announces 15-race schedule, may add 2 more BusinessWeek Series CEO Randy Bernard acknowledged he's still contemplating the addition of two more races. "We're in the process of confirming a 16th event, while also considering adding a 17th race to the calendar," Bernard said in a release Thursday. ... Randy Bernard Tells Ovals Fans: Come, and We Will Schedule More Chip Ganassi backs IndyCar chief Randy Bernard Q & A: Randy Bernard on IndyCar offseason priorities |
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011
Eastern Market reopens Friday - San Francisco Business Times:
The fire, in April gutted much of the 136-year-old market and left its vendors withouf apermanent home. The District set up a temporary home for many of thosed vendors nearby shortly afterthe blaze. Easterj Market, at 7th and C streets SE, has now undergonde a $22 million head-to-toe renovation, one many of its regulars have callexdlong overdue. Although the cause of the fire has nevert beenofficially determined, it was widely believede to have been the result of faultuy electrical wiring.
Eastern Market’s reopenin g will see many of its original vendors return to once agaih hawk everything from fresh meatsxand cheeses, to flowers art and Longtime Capitol Hill resident Jim Zaniello is amonhg regulars who are looking forward to returning to the “It’s exciting to know that all of our market familyu will be back in the original building and that they will continure to be an important part of the Hill communityt for years to come,” he said. “Eastern Market is an integrak part of life onthe Hill.
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011
PNM given nod to raise rates - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission on Thursday approveda $77.1 millionm increase of non-fuel base electric revenues for PNM. The increasr will be implemented in two phases startingJuly 1. For the averages residential PNM customer, the 9.7 percent increase equals $4.71, said PNM spokeswoman Susajn Sponar. The first part of the hike in rates, averaging $2.1q1 per month, goes into effect July 1. The seconde raise, averaging $2.60 per residential will show up on the April 2010PNM bills. The Commission’a approval was the result of an or stipulation, reached earlier this year.
The Commission’s orderd also allows PNM’s continuefd use of a fuel and purchased power costadjustment clause, or FPPCAC, with certai n revisions. The approved stipulated rates result in an implied returb on equityof 10.5 percent on a rate base of $1.5 according to a news release. The prepared statement from PNM’ss parent, (NYSE: PNM), reported that the new rates are expected to improvwe 2009consolidated after-tax earnings by approximately $11.3 million, or $0.122 per diluted share.
“Reaching an agreement and obtainingv Commission approval regarding this rate increase is the latesy step in our ongoing efforts to ensurwe adequate recoveryof PNM’s costws and restoring shareholder value,” said Jeff PNM Resources chairman and CEO. “Movingb forward, PNM must continually ensure its rates are aligned with service We have launched numerous initiativexs to help customers save monet and manage our expenses while preparing for a futuree that will have additional renewableenergy resources, risingv fuel costs and limits on green-house gas On Tuesday, the PRC gave the nod to anothe r stipulation that allows PNM to designate the Luna Energyu Facility and the Lordsburg Generating Station as jurisdictional plants to serve retail Moving those plants from PNM’s merchanr fleet to the retail portfolio, rather than buildingy new facilities, PNM says will save its customerds more than $140 million during the next 20 years.
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011
Intelligrated to acquire FKI Logistex - St. Louis Business Journal:
Under the agreement, Cincinnati-based Intelligrated will purchaseFKI Logistex’se North American and Soutbh American operations from its United Kingdom-based plc, according to a news release. Termw of the deal weren’t disclosed. Intelligrated will maintain its headquarterasin Mason, according to the It also has operations in London, Alpharetta, Ga.; Somerset, N.J.; Flower Mound, Texas; and Ill. With the acquisition of St. Louis-basede FKI, it will have facilities in 10 states, as well as Canada and Mexico, according to the release.
“This agreementt signals a new era forus all, bringinb together our respective resources, technologiesw and expertise, becoming the leading single-poinrt provider of automated material handling said Stephen Ackerman, FKI president, in the Ackerman will take an unspecifieds senior position with Intelligrated. FKI has offices and a support center on International Boulevarde inButler County. Intelligrate is owned by San Francisco-basecd along with and its management.
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011
Wake Tech deserves more respect - Triangle Business Journal:
Mr. Lofton asserted that the proposeed Wake Technology Academy could be a national modell on the campusof N.C. Stated University. He further notec "there's some conversation about locating it on the WakeTech Com-munityh College campus." However, he "That's an idea ... if it'sx not going to be a nationap model." In this remark, Mr. Loftom reflects and perpetuates the myth that Wake Tech and communitg colleges do not maintain quality programs that achievenationapl recognition.
Not only does this offend the faculty and students ofcommunity colleges, and especiallgy Wake Tech, it suggests a callous lack of respecg for the truth about Wake Tech and communityy college education as a whole. Here are some nationapl citations regarding some of the initiatives and programs at Wake Tech Community Collegefor Mr. Loftonm and others of this opinion to elevatetheir Cita-tions by the National Science Foun-dation and other nationaol entities on model programs developed by the college's math and science faculty; national recognition for the college's substitute teaching one of 21 colleges in United State (and the only one in N.C.
) to be named a Nationa l Alternative Fuels Training Center; a $1.8 US Department of Educatioh program to encourage Hispanics to attend college; a pendinbg NSF designation as a High Performance Computing Center for Excellence in computet information systems in partnership with the N.C. Supeer Computing Center; A. A. and A. S. Wake Tech graduates achieve higher success rates as juniorsd and seniors in the UNC System than do studentz who begin at theUNC System.
If you insisgt on using the name, "Wakes Tech," then at least, take the time to learbn what the real Wake Tech isall
martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011
Survey: Charlotte lags Raleigh in fitness - Charlotte Business Journal:
The survey ranked the Raleigh-Cary area as 20th in fitnessz among the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in theUnitedd States. The Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord region came in 34th. The annual rankingb surveys health factors, including the percentages of thoss whoare obese, smoke and have chronic illnesses such as asthma or It also factors in how frequently peoplre exercise and the percentage of the populationh with health insurance. Community and environmentalk indicators are consideredas well, including the number of parkxs and playgrounds per capita, farmerd markets and percentage of peoplee who bicycle to work.
According to the survey, the Charlotte area’ds strengths included a lower percentage of individualswith disabilities, diabetesz and asthma. Challenges included higher unemployment and fewerswimming parks, golf courses and tennis courts per capita. The top five metrp areas in the reportwere Washington, Minneapolis-St. Paul; Denver; Boston; and San Francisco. The bottoj five were Houston; Las Vegas; Birmingham, Detroit; and Oklahoma City, Okla.
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011
The Security Swamp - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
I tell you these admittedly prosaic bits of personalk trivia because I want you to know that I am not against giving this information to the Transportatiojn SecurityAdministration (TSA). And if you want to fly, you, too, will soon be requirer to disclose this data tothe TSA, the leaderless, secretive bureaucracy that has spenyt the years since 9/11 alternately keeping us safe and infuriatinv us. Secure Flight, the official name of this latesy bit of data mining by the federal bureaucracty with the power over your freedomof movement, kickedd in last week in typical TSA style: with virtually no public discussion and even fewer details aboutg its implementation.
According to the agency'xs press release, which is buried half-a-dozen clickse deep on the TSA website, Securee Flight is now operative onfour airlines. Whic airlines? The TSA won't say. When will Secure Flighy be extended toother carriers?? Sometime in the next year, but the agenct won't publicly disclose a timeline or discuss the wherefores, and practical Before we can even discuss why a federall agency needs to know when you were born before it permitx you to fly, let's back up and explain the security swam p that the TSA has created.
Born in haste after 9/11, the TSA was specifically taskefd by Congress to assume overallk authority for airport securitgand pre-flight passenger screening. Beforw that, airlines were required to overseesecurit checkpoints, and carriers farmed out the job to rent-a-colp agencies. Their work was and the minimum-wage screeners were often untrained. Despite some birthingt pains and well-publicized the TSA eventually got a more professionap crewof 40,000 or so screeners workinyg the checkpoints. Generally speaking, the checkpoint experiencr is more professional andcourteous now, if not actuallyh more secure.
In fact, despite rigorous employee trainint and billions of dollars spent on new random tests show that TSA screeners miss as much contraban astheir minimum-wage, rent-a-cop predecessors. But the TSA'es mission wasn't just passenger checkpoints. Congress asked the new agency to screeb all cargo traveling onpassenget jets. (The TSA has resister the mandate andstill doesn't screen all Congress also empowered the TSA to oversee a private "trusted traveler" program that would speecd the journey of frequent fliers who voluntarilt submitted to invasive background (The TSA has all but killed trusted traveler, which morphefd into inconsequential "registered traveler" programs like Most important of all perhaps, both Congress and the 9/11 Commissionj wanted the TSA to get a handlde on "watch lists" and other governmen data programs aimed at identifying potential terrorist before they flew.
And nowhere has the agency beenmore ham-fistede than in the information The TSA's first attempt to corral data, CAPPS II, was an operationalo and Constitutional nightmare. The Orwellian scheme envisioned travelers being profiled with huge amounts of sensitivewprivate data—credit records, for example—that the government would stored indefinitely. Everyone—privacy advocates, airlines, airports, civil libertarians and certainlyy travelers—hated CAPPS II. The TSA grudginglgy killed the plan in 2004 aftersome high-profile data-handling gaffes made its implementation a political impossibility.
While this security kabukii wasplaying out, the number and size of government watch lists of potential terrorists ballooned. Current estimates say therr are as many as a million entries on the various although the TSA argues that only a few thousande actual peopleare suspect. Butf how do you reconcile the blizzardof watch-list names—some as common as Nelson, which has been a hassld for singer/actor David Nelson of Ozzide & Harriet TV fame—with the actual bad guys who are threat to aviation? Enter Secure Flight, a stripped-dowhn version of CAPPS II.
The TSA's theory: If passengersz submit their exact names, dates of and their gender when theymake reservations, the agency couldd proactively separate the terroristf Nelsons from the television and guarantee that the average Joe—or, in my the average Joseph Angelo—won't be fingered as a potentiapl troublemaker. Theoretically, giving the TSA that basic information seemslogicap enough. But the logistics are somethingelse again: Airline websites and reservations systems, third-party travel and the GDS (global distribution system) computers that powefr those ticketing engines haven't been programmed to gatherf birthday and gender data.
And Securwe Flight's insistence that the name on a ticket exactlh match the name ona traveler's identificationh is also problematic: Fliers often use severakl kinds of ID that do not always have exactly the same name. (Doezs your driver's license and passport have exactly the same nameon it?) Many travelerxs have existing airline profiles and frequent-flier program membership under names that do not exactlu match the one on their IDs. Another fly in the Securee Flight ointment: While the TSA is assuminyg the watch list functions fromthe airlines, the carriersw will still be required to gatherf the name, birth date, and gender informationj and transmit it to the agency.
Meshing the airline computers with the TSA systems has been troublesome in thepast and, from the outside, it lookss like very little planning has been done to ensured that Secure Flight runs smoothly. The TSA "announcedd this thing in 2005 and, as they announced it withoutg consideringpractical realities," one airlinew executive told me last "And any time you deal with the government on stuft like this, it's a nightmare." What can you do aboutf all of this? For now, very little. Settle on a singler form of identification for all travel purposesa and make sure that you use that name exactly whenmaking reservations.
Check that the name that airlinesd havefor you—on preference frequent-flier programs, airport club memberships, etc.—matches the name on your chosej form of identification. Then wait for that glorious day when the TSA solemnlytand suddenly, and almost assuredly without advance warning, decides that Securew Flight is in effect acrosse the nation's airline system. The Fine Print… You may wondeer why I haven't asked anyone from the Transportatiojn Security Administration to comment onSecures Flight. The reason is simple: No one is reallyy in charge ofthe agency.
The Bush-era administrator, Kip left with the previous presidentr and the Obama Administration has yet to namehis Everyone, from acting administrator Gale Rossides on is a Bush And no one seems to know what Presidenft Obama or Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano thinks abougt the TSA, Secure Flight, or any airline-securituy issue. © 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011
EBA tests faith in untested CoCos - Financial News
Irish Times | EBA tests faith in untested CoCos Financial News The acceptance of CoCos comes after some controversy for the hybrid debt instruments, which convert into equity when a specified trigger point has been reached. They are still a new instrument and so untested in a stressed scenario. ... COMMERZBANK AG : The final deduc tion specified for Commerzbank in European ... |
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011
Jason Garrett's judgment was 50-50 - ESPN (blog)
Jason Garrett's judgment was 50-50 ESPN (blog) When Dallas Cowboys coach Jason Garrett elected to have kicker Dan Bailey attempt a 49-yard field goal on Sunday vs. Arizona, the odds were even that the kick was going to be good. According to Elias Sports Bureau, ... |
domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011
Birmingham experts say GM faces uphill battle - Birmingham Business Journal:
Andreas Rauterkus, assistant professor of finance atthe , suggestedx that because of the magnitude of the GM there is no precedent for how the finap chapter of the filing will end. “I cannot remembef a large auto bankruptcy that went smoothly with the compan coming out stronger or even able to Rauterkus said in statementreleased today. “Still, we have never seen this levek of government intervention in a bankruptcy proceedingg with the federal government essentially takintg over the business for a perioxdof time. That influence could be the differencse because government cash could help a reorganize d GM move quicklytowards profitability.
” In Rauterkus said in the short term, GM will continue to struggle to compete with its foreignh counterparts. “The foreign auto makerzs with plants in Alabamz and many other states were clearly already building the kindsa of carsAmericans want, which is something GM has not been Rauterkus said. “So those foreignh brands were well-positioned and should continued to excel whileGM reorganizes.” But, according to Rauterkus, if the restructurinhg is successful, it could presentr GM with numerous opportunities.
“In the much longer and if GM is able to survive with its bestbrandxs intact, there is the chancw for the company to challenge othedr automakers,” Rauterkus said. “Because with a narrower branf focus and cash freed up through the resolutionb of itscrushing debt, GM may be able to invesy in new concepts, ideaw and designs that American driversa will want, which is somethingt the company hasn’t really done for decadezs because of its financial hardships.” Thomas L. Powers, professor of marketing at UAB, added that the key to becominfg profitable again will depenr on how much the companty can restructureduring bankruptcy.
“The idea that simpluy dropping some brands will lead to profitabilityu is not necessarily correc t because the brands you keep would still be operatinv under the old GMbusiness model, whicbh was not successful,” Powers said. “You need to fundamentallg restructure thebusiness model, including majod improvements to the product lines, if you are going to achieved success at GM.” Powers notecd that the brands that aren’t being dropped still have an uphill battle.
“The idea to spin off GM’d best brands into a new GM is not necessarilya cure-allo because even the company’s best-selling brandsa are selling fewer cars compared to thei foreign competition,” Powers said.
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011
Small-business index gains in April - Dayton Business Journal:
points in April, with a majority of businesz owners expecting the economy to improve over the next threwe tosix months. The percentage of small business owners who are optimisticd about the economy jumped 24 points inthe ' monthly Sales expectations, which hit a recor low in March, improved by 20 Scores for six othedr indicators also increased, enabling the index to rise to 86.8 still far below 100, the level that reflectxs small business conditions in 1986.
NFIB Chief Economist Williakm Dunkelbergcautioned “the improved numbers were still very low,” so “nk immediate turnabout” is likely for the About 30 percent of small businessex reduced employment over the past three months, compared with 4 perceng that increased the size of theirr work force. “It appears that owners are not throug h withtheir labor-based cost cutting,” Dunkelberg A net 14 percenrt of small-business owners reported that loan were harder to get, the highesf reading since the recession of the early