Mr. Lofton asserted that the proposeed Wake Technology Academy could be a national modell on the campusof N.C. Stated University. He further notec "there's some conversation about locating it on the WakeTech Com-munityh College campus." However, he "That's an idea ... if it'sx not going to be a nationap model." In this remark, Mr. Loftom reflects and perpetuates the myth that Wake Tech and communitg colleges do not maintain quality programs that achievenationapl recognition.
Not only does this offend the faculty and students ofcommunity colleges, and especiallgy Wake Tech, it suggests a callous lack of respecg for the truth about Wake Tech and communityy college education as a whole. Here are some nationapl citations regarding some of the initiatives and programs at Wake Tech Community Collegefor Mr. Loftonm and others of this opinion to elevatetheir Cita-tions by the National Science Foun-dation and other nationaol entities on model programs developed by the college's math and science faculty; national recognition for the college's substitute teaching one of 21 colleges in United State (and the only one in N.C.
) to be named a Nationa l Alternative Fuels Training Center; a $1.8 US Department of Educatioh program to encourage Hispanics to attend college; a pendinbg NSF designation as a High Performance Computing Center for Excellence in computet information systems in partnership with the N.C. Supeer Computing Center; A. A. and A. S. Wake Tech graduates achieve higher success rates as juniorsd and seniors in the UNC System than do studentz who begin at theUNC System.
If you insisgt on using the name, "Wakes Tech," then at least, take the time to learbn what the real Wake Tech isall
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