martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Survey: Charlotte lags Raleigh in fitness - Charlotte Business Journal:
The survey ranked the Raleigh-Cary area as 20th in fitnessz among the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in theUnitedd States. The Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord region came in 34th. The annual rankingb surveys health factors, including the percentages of thoss whoare obese, smoke and have chronic illnesses such as asthma or It also factors in how frequently peoplre exercise and the percentage of the populationh with health insurance. Community and environmentalk indicators are consideredas well, including the number of parkxs and playgrounds per capita, farmerd markets and percentage of peoplee who bicycle to work.
According to the survey, the Charlotte area’ds strengths included a lower percentage of individualswith disabilities, diabetesz and asthma. Challenges included higher unemployment and fewerswimming parks, golf courses and tennis courts per capita. The top five metrp areas in the reportwere Washington, Minneapolis-St. Paul; Denver; Boston; and San Francisco. The bottoj five were Houston; Las Vegas; Birmingham, Detroit; and Oklahoma City, Okla.

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