domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expecte d toremain soft, the closely watched survey but “an uptick in manufacturing orderz helped stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beigs Book also said that “commercial real estate market conditionds deteriorated, and energy activity declinede further.” Bankers, it said, “reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demands with no erosion in loan It said consumer price and wage pressures remainec low. Meanwhile, producer prices “declinex at a slower pace, with some firmws noting that higher commodity pricezs boosted material andfuel costs.
” Overall, the latest regional Beiged Book — covering a six-week period was somewhat more optimistic than the last survey, releasec April 15. The report covers the Fed’s Kansas City-basedr 10th District. It is based on interviews with a sample of businessez representing key industries ineach district. The reportas are anecdotal and do notcontaimn statistics, but they are widely followe d and help the Fed to set national economic policy. The Fed’s 10th Districtf includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as westerh Missouri and northernNew Mexico.
Formally knownb as the “Summary of Commentary on Current Economicx Conditions by FederalReservr District,” the Beige Book is publishef eight times a year. The latest report covers late Aprilthrough May. The Federall Reserve’s 10th District is also knowmn as the Kansas City district becausethe reserve’s regionall bank is based there. .

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