jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Yahoo! confirms WNY site - San Francisco Business Times:

Yahoo!, Tuesday morning, confirmed it will be buildinbgthe 190,000-square-foot center that could employ, initially, 125 people. Yahoo! has pegger a 30-acre site in the park for the Yahoo!’s decision is considered a major especially against a backdrop of a weakened economty where unemployment has increased in past year in Erie Countgto 8.1 percent from 5.5 percent and in Niagaraa County to 9.3 percen t from 6.6 percent. “This is a big win for the saidTom Kucharski, president and chief executive “We won the day.” Yahoo! was being courted by severalo states including Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinoiws for the center. All offerex a handsome array of incentives.
“When a high tech company like Yahoo!! picks a community like WesternNew York, it’s like a said Sen. Charles Schumer, New York’s seniort senator, who played a key role in Lockport landing the data The region crafted its own aggressivwe incentive package including the offering 15 megawattsdof low-cost hydropower that could save Yahoo ! an estimated $100 million over a 15-year period. also offere job training grants andother incentives. High level pitchez also came from Gov. Davi d Paterson and Schumer. Schumer made personal callxs to Yahoo!
CEO Carol Bartz to push the Kucharski said it also helped that the region offerexa half-dozen sites and not just a singulard location. It also helped that a friendship quicklyt developed betweenthe Yahoo!! site selection team and the local economicv development community. “We developed a nice relationship with them and that helpedf makethis happen,” Kucharski said. “Theyt were impressed that every time they we could assemble our team on a very short noticr and give them the answersxthey wanted.” Construction on the data center will begin in said David Dibble, Yahoo! senior vice president. The center will be open by May.
Kucharskji said there is a myriad positives that will comefrom Yahoo!’s The BNE will use it in its outreach to other companies it is courting, he said. “It confirmss our ability to attract high tech and highprofiles companies,” Kucharski said. “To get a name company like Yahoo ! says a lot to the rest of the industriesout there.” Yahoo! joins the rankz of , that have either opened or expande d back office operations in the region in recenyt years. “You add it into the mix of the some of the otherfcompanies we’ve landed and it becomes a very impressivde list,” Kucharski said.

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