Hot Hardware | New MSI Wind Top AIO Features LED Panel Hot Hardware MSI is laying claim to being the first in the industry to use an LED panel on an all-in-one computer. The MSI Wind Top AE2071 AIO indeed features a 20-inch multi-touch LED screen, as well as a 2nd-gen Intel CPU, up to 8GB of DDR2 memory, ... |
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011
New MSI Wind Top AIO Features LED Panel - Hot Hardware
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
Inter-Korean factory complex closes temporarily for Kim's funeral - Yonhap News | Inter-Korean factory complex closes temporarily for Kim's funeral Yonhap News 28 (Yonhap) -- North Korea is closing an inter-Korean factory park for two days to mark the funeral of its late leader Kim Jong-il, a Seoul official said Wednesday. The industrial complex in the North Korean border city of Kaesong will halt operations ... S. Korean delegation returns after meeting with Kim Jong Un N. Korea Says It Will Link Inter-Korean Relations with Seoul's Condolences South Korean delegation reports report no political talks with NK heir |
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011
Stamford, Connecticut fire claims five lives - | Stamford, Connecticut fire claims five lives The lives of five family members were lost. The house in Stamford was being remodeled for Madonna Badger, founder of Badger & Winters Group, an advertising company. Badger, her children, her parents and a male acquaintance were at the home when it ... Update: City Fire Claims 5 Lives on Christmas Day 3 girls, 2 adults die in Stamford Christmas blaze Advertising exec's 3 children, parents die in fire at Conn. home on Christmas ... |
viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011
IndyCar announces 15-race schedule, may add 2 more - BusinessWeek
The Epoch Times | IndyCar announces 15-race schedule, may add 2 more BusinessWeek Series CEO Randy Bernard acknowledged he's still contemplating the addition of two more races. "We're in the process of confirming a 16th event, while also considering adding a 17th race to the calendar," Bernard said in a release Thursday. ... Randy Bernard Tells Ovals Fans: Come, and We Will Schedule More Chip Ganassi backs IndyCar chief Randy Bernard Q & A: Randy Bernard on IndyCar offseason priorities |
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011
Eastern Market reopens Friday - San Francisco Business Times:
The fire, in April gutted much of the 136-year-old market and left its vendors withouf apermanent home. The District set up a temporary home for many of thosed vendors nearby shortly afterthe blaze. Easterj Market, at 7th and C streets SE, has now undergonde a $22 million head-to-toe renovation, one many of its regulars have callexdlong overdue. Although the cause of the fire has nevert beenofficially determined, it was widely believede to have been the result of faultuy electrical wiring.
Eastern Market’s reopenin g will see many of its original vendors return to once agaih hawk everything from fresh meatsxand cheeses, to flowers art and Longtime Capitol Hill resident Jim Zaniello is amonhg regulars who are looking forward to returning to the “It’s exciting to know that all of our market familyu will be back in the original building and that they will continure to be an important part of the Hill communityt for years to come,” he said. “Eastern Market is an integrak part of life onthe Hill.
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011
PNM given nod to raise rates - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission on Thursday approveda $77.1 millionm increase of non-fuel base electric revenues for PNM. The increasr will be implemented in two phases startingJuly 1. For the averages residential PNM customer, the 9.7 percent increase equals $4.71, said PNM spokeswoman Susajn Sponar. The first part of the hike in rates, averaging $2.1q1 per month, goes into effect July 1. The seconde raise, averaging $2.60 per residential will show up on the April 2010PNM bills. The Commission’a approval was the result of an or stipulation, reached earlier this year.
The Commission’s orderd also allows PNM’s continuefd use of a fuel and purchased power costadjustment clause, or FPPCAC, with certai n revisions. The approved stipulated rates result in an implied returb on equityof 10.5 percent on a rate base of $1.5 according to a news release. The prepared statement from PNM’ss parent, (NYSE: PNM), reported that the new rates are expected to improvwe 2009consolidated after-tax earnings by approximately $11.3 million, or $0.122 per diluted share.
“Reaching an agreement and obtainingv Commission approval regarding this rate increase is the latesy step in our ongoing efforts to ensurwe adequate recoveryof PNM’s costws and restoring shareholder value,” said Jeff PNM Resources chairman and CEO. “Movingb forward, PNM must continually ensure its rates are aligned with service We have launched numerous initiativexs to help customers save monet and manage our expenses while preparing for a futuree that will have additional renewableenergy resources, risingv fuel costs and limits on green-house gas On Tuesday, the PRC gave the nod to anothe r stipulation that allows PNM to designate the Luna Energyu Facility and the Lordsburg Generating Station as jurisdictional plants to serve retail Moving those plants from PNM’s merchanr fleet to the retail portfolio, rather than buildingy new facilities, PNM says will save its customerds more than $140 million during the next 20 years.
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011
Intelligrated to acquire FKI Logistex - St. Louis Business Journal:
Under the agreement, Cincinnati-based Intelligrated will purchaseFKI Logistex’se North American and Soutbh American operations from its United Kingdom-based plc, according to a news release. Termw of the deal weren’t disclosed. Intelligrated will maintain its headquarterasin Mason, according to the It also has operations in London, Alpharetta, Ga.; Somerset, N.J.; Flower Mound, Texas; and Ill. With the acquisition of St. Louis-basede FKI, it will have facilities in 10 states, as well as Canada and Mexico, according to the release.
“This agreementt signals a new era forus all, bringinb together our respective resources, technologiesw and expertise, becoming the leading single-poinrt provider of automated material handling said Stephen Ackerman, FKI president, in the Ackerman will take an unspecifieds senior position with Intelligrated. FKI has offices and a support center on International Boulevarde inButler County. Intelligrate is owned by San Francisco-basecd along with and its management.
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011
Wake Tech deserves more respect - Triangle Business Journal:
Mr. Lofton asserted that the proposeed Wake Technology Academy could be a national modell on the campusof N.C. Stated University. He further notec "there's some conversation about locating it on the WakeTech Com-munityh College campus." However, he "That's an idea ... if it'sx not going to be a nationap model." In this remark, Mr. Loftom reflects and perpetuates the myth that Wake Tech and communitg colleges do not maintain quality programs that achievenationapl recognition.
Not only does this offend the faculty and students ofcommunity colleges, and especiallgy Wake Tech, it suggests a callous lack of respecg for the truth about Wake Tech and communityy college education as a whole. Here are some nationapl citations regarding some of the initiatives and programs at Wake Tech Community Collegefor Mr. Loftonm and others of this opinion to elevatetheir Cita-tions by the National Science Foun-dation and other nationaol entities on model programs developed by the college's math and science faculty; national recognition for the college's substitute teaching one of 21 colleges in United State (and the only one in N.C.
) to be named a Nationa l Alternative Fuels Training Center; a $1.8 US Department of Educatioh program to encourage Hispanics to attend college; a pendinbg NSF designation as a High Performance Computing Center for Excellence in computet information systems in partnership with the N.C. Supeer Computing Center; A. A. and A. S. Wake Tech graduates achieve higher success rates as juniorsd and seniors in the UNC System than do studentz who begin at theUNC System.
If you insisgt on using the name, "Wakes Tech," then at least, take the time to learbn what the real Wake Tech isall
martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011
Survey: Charlotte lags Raleigh in fitness - Charlotte Business Journal:
The survey ranked the Raleigh-Cary area as 20th in fitnessz among the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in theUnitedd States. The Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord region came in 34th. The annual rankingb surveys health factors, including the percentages of thoss whoare obese, smoke and have chronic illnesses such as asthma or It also factors in how frequently peoplre exercise and the percentage of the populationh with health insurance. Community and environmentalk indicators are consideredas well, including the number of parkxs and playgrounds per capita, farmerd markets and percentage of peoplee who bicycle to work.
According to the survey, the Charlotte area’ds strengths included a lower percentage of individualswith disabilities, diabetesz and asthma. Challenges included higher unemployment and fewerswimming parks, golf courses and tennis courts per capita. The top five metrp areas in the reportwere Washington, Minneapolis-St. Paul; Denver; Boston; and San Francisco. The bottoj five were Houston; Las Vegas; Birmingham, Detroit; and Oklahoma City, Okla.
sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011
The Security Swamp - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
I tell you these admittedly prosaic bits of personalk trivia because I want you to know that I am not against giving this information to the Transportatiojn SecurityAdministration (TSA). And if you want to fly, you, too, will soon be requirer to disclose this data tothe TSA, the leaderless, secretive bureaucracy that has spenyt the years since 9/11 alternately keeping us safe and infuriatinv us. Secure Flight, the official name of this latesy bit of data mining by the federal bureaucracty with the power over your freedomof movement, kickedd in last week in typical TSA style: with virtually no public discussion and even fewer details aboutg its implementation.
According to the agency'xs press release, which is buried half-a-dozen clickse deep on the TSA website, Securee Flight is now operative onfour airlines. Whic airlines? The TSA won't say. When will Secure Flighy be extended toother carriers?? Sometime in the next year, but the agenct won't publicly disclose a timeline or discuss the wherefores, and practical Before we can even discuss why a federall agency needs to know when you were born before it permitx you to fly, let's back up and explain the security swam p that the TSA has created.
Born in haste after 9/11, the TSA was specifically taskefd by Congress to assume overallk authority for airport securitgand pre-flight passenger screening. Beforw that, airlines were required to overseesecurit checkpoints, and carriers farmed out the job to rent-a-colp agencies. Their work was and the minimum-wage screeners were often untrained. Despite some birthingt pains and well-publicized the TSA eventually got a more professionap crewof 40,000 or so screeners workinyg the checkpoints. Generally speaking, the checkpoint experiencr is more professional andcourteous now, if not actuallyh more secure.
In fact, despite rigorous employee trainint and billions of dollars spent on new random tests show that TSA screeners miss as much contraban astheir minimum-wage, rent-a-cop predecessors. But the TSA'es mission wasn't just passenger checkpoints. Congress asked the new agency to screeb all cargo traveling onpassenget jets. (The TSA has resister the mandate andstill doesn't screen all Congress also empowered the TSA to oversee a private "trusted traveler" program that would speecd the journey of frequent fliers who voluntarilt submitted to invasive background (The TSA has all but killed trusted traveler, which morphefd into inconsequential "registered traveler" programs like Most important of all perhaps, both Congress and the 9/11 Commissionj wanted the TSA to get a handlde on "watch lists" and other governmen data programs aimed at identifying potential terrorist before they flew.
And nowhere has the agency beenmore ham-fistede than in the information The TSA's first attempt to corral data, CAPPS II, was an operationalo and Constitutional nightmare. The Orwellian scheme envisioned travelers being profiled with huge amounts of sensitivewprivate data—credit records, for example—that the government would stored indefinitely. Everyone—privacy advocates, airlines, airports, civil libertarians and certainlyy travelers—hated CAPPS II. The TSA grudginglgy killed the plan in 2004 aftersome high-profile data-handling gaffes made its implementation a political impossibility.
While this security kabukii wasplaying out, the number and size of government watch lists of potential terrorists ballooned. Current estimates say therr are as many as a million entries on the various although the TSA argues that only a few thousande actual peopleare suspect. Butf how do you reconcile the blizzardof watch-list names—some as common as Nelson, which has been a hassld for singer/actor David Nelson of Ozzide & Harriet TV fame—with the actual bad guys who are threat to aviation? Enter Secure Flight, a stripped-dowhn version of CAPPS II.
The TSA's theory: If passengersz submit their exact names, dates of and their gender when theymake reservations, the agency couldd proactively separate the terroristf Nelsons from the television and guarantee that the average Joe—or, in my the average Joseph Angelo—won't be fingered as a potentiapl troublemaker. Theoretically, giving the TSA that basic information seemslogicap enough. But the logistics are somethingelse again: Airline websites and reservations systems, third-party travel and the GDS (global distribution system) computers that powefr those ticketing engines haven't been programmed to gatherf birthday and gender data.
And Securwe Flight's insistence that the name on a ticket exactlh match the name ona traveler's identificationh is also problematic: Fliers often use severakl kinds of ID that do not always have exactly the same name. (Doezs your driver's license and passport have exactly the same nameon it?) Many travelerxs have existing airline profiles and frequent-flier program membership under names that do not exactlu match the one on their IDs. Another fly in the Securee Flight ointment: While the TSA is assuminyg the watch list functions fromthe airlines, the carriersw will still be required to gatherf the name, birth date, and gender informationj and transmit it to the agency.
Meshing the airline computers with the TSA systems has been troublesome in thepast and, from the outside, it lookss like very little planning has been done to ensured that Secure Flight runs smoothly. The TSA "announcedd this thing in 2005 and, as they announced it withoutg consideringpractical realities," one airlinew executive told me last "And any time you deal with the government on stuft like this, it's a nightmare." What can you do aboutf all of this? For now, very little. Settle on a singler form of identification for all travel purposesa and make sure that you use that name exactly whenmaking reservations.
Check that the name that airlinesd havefor you—on preference frequent-flier programs, airport club memberships, etc.—matches the name on your chosej form of identification. Then wait for that glorious day when the TSA solemnlytand suddenly, and almost assuredly without advance warning, decides that Securew Flight is in effect acrosse the nation's airline system. The Fine Print… You may wondeer why I haven't asked anyone from the Transportatiojn Security Administration to comment onSecures Flight. The reason is simple: No one is reallyy in charge ofthe agency.
The Bush-era administrator, Kip left with the previous presidentr and the Obama Administration has yet to namehis Everyone, from acting administrator Gale Rossides on is a Bush And no one seems to know what Presidenft Obama or Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano thinks abougt the TSA, Secure Flight, or any airline-securituy issue. © 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011
EBA tests faith in untested CoCos - Financial News
Irish Times | EBA tests faith in untested CoCos Financial News The acceptance of CoCos comes after some controversy for the hybrid debt instruments, which convert into equity when a specified trigger point has been reached. They are still a new instrument and so untested in a stressed scenario. ... COMMERZBANK AG : The final deduc tion specified for Commerzbank in European ... |
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011
Jason Garrett's judgment was 50-50 - ESPN (blog)
Jason Garrett's judgment was 50-50 ESPN (blog) When Dallas Cowboys coach Jason Garrett elected to have kicker Dan Bailey attempt a 49-yard field goal on Sunday vs. Arizona, the odds were even that the kick was going to be good. According to Elias Sports Bureau, ... |
domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011
Birmingham experts say GM faces uphill battle - Birmingham Business Journal:
Andreas Rauterkus, assistant professor of finance atthe , suggestedx that because of the magnitude of the GM there is no precedent for how the finap chapter of the filing will end. “I cannot remembef a large auto bankruptcy that went smoothly with the compan coming out stronger or even able to Rauterkus said in statementreleased today. “Still, we have never seen this levek of government intervention in a bankruptcy proceedingg with the federal government essentially takintg over the business for a perioxdof time. That influence could be the differencse because government cash could help a reorganize d GM move quicklytowards profitability.
” In Rauterkus said in the short term, GM will continue to struggle to compete with its foreignh counterparts. “The foreign auto makerzs with plants in Alabamz and many other states were clearly already building the kindsa of carsAmericans want, which is something GM has not been Rauterkus said. “So those foreignh brands were well-positioned and should continued to excel whileGM reorganizes.” But, according to Rauterkus, if the restructurinhg is successful, it could presentr GM with numerous opportunities.
“In the much longer and if GM is able to survive with its bestbrandxs intact, there is the chancw for the company to challenge othedr automakers,” Rauterkus said. “Because with a narrower branf focus and cash freed up through the resolutionb of itscrushing debt, GM may be able to invesy in new concepts, ideaw and designs that American driversa will want, which is somethingt the company hasn’t really done for decadezs because of its financial hardships.” Thomas L. Powers, professor of marketing at UAB, added that the key to becominfg profitable again will depenr on how much the companty can restructureduring bankruptcy.
“The idea that simpluy dropping some brands will lead to profitabilityu is not necessarily correc t because the brands you keep would still be operatinv under the old GMbusiness model, whicbh was not successful,” Powers said. “You need to fundamentallg restructure thebusiness model, including majod improvements to the product lines, if you are going to achieved success at GM.” Powers notecd that the brands that aren’t being dropped still have an uphill battle.
“The idea to spin off GM’d best brands into a new GM is not necessarilya cure-allo because even the company’s best-selling brandsa are selling fewer cars compared to thei foreign competition,” Powers said.
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011
Small-business index gains in April - Dayton Business Journal:
points in April, with a majority of businesz owners expecting the economy to improve over the next threwe tosix months. The percentage of small business owners who are optimisticd about the economy jumped 24 points inthe ' monthly Sales expectations, which hit a recor low in March, improved by 20 Scores for six othedr indicators also increased, enabling the index to rise to 86.8 still far below 100, the level that reflectxs small business conditions in 1986.
NFIB Chief Economist Williakm Dunkelbergcautioned “the improved numbers were still very low,” so “nk immediate turnabout” is likely for the About 30 percent of small businessex reduced employment over the past three months, compared with 4 perceng that increased the size of theirr work force. “It appears that owners are not throug h withtheir labor-based cost cutting,” Dunkelberg A net 14 percenrt of small-business owners reported that loan were harder to get, the highesf reading since the recession of the early
miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011
Hawaii rental car companies fight state
Senate Bill 1611 would increase the rental motorf vehicle surchargefrom $2 to $3 per day, effectivel y guaranteeing a $45 million annua l deposit into the state’s highway But a bad economy is not the time to add to businesx costs and tourist expenses, U-drivse industry members say, even when it’as for a cause like improving state roads. “It makes our products that much more said Jim Stoneof . “It’s not like we can just absorh it — the industry is having a rouggh time. With the credit crunch, buying and financing vehiclewsis difficult. And it’s hard to go to the bank when your stocjis tanking.
” The rental car surchargw is one of four components of SB a road tax bill intended to help the state Department of Transportation fund its six-year, $4.6 billioj highways modernization plan. Many including U-drive companies, that rely on vehicled fleets to deliver goods and services opposer the otherthree components: increases in the state fuel tax, and vehiclwe registration and weight fees. With approximately 50,000 to 70,000 rentall vehicles in Hawaii, and at an averagw of $170 per vehicle, the revenue from those taxex and fees could easilytotak $10 million.
It is the surcharge component, however, that has united the industry Local representatives ofThe , DTG Operationxs (Dollar Rent a Car and Thrift Car Rental), , the Avis , Enterprise Rent A Car and all opposr the legislation. “At $3 per day, this tax is equivalenft to about 10 percent of revenues collected from each rentalin Hawaii, and gives Hawaii one of the highesrt car rental tax regimes in the country,” Aaron general manager of Hertz in Hawaii, testified this week.
“In fact, it makes it the highestr tax regime of its kind amongy competing tourist destinations in the United Michael Oh, chairman of Catrala-Hawaii’s legislative committee and a regionalk financial manager with Alamo, said Florida’s car rentao surcharge is $2. “Why do you want to raise higher, since that will only further detef tourism?” Oh asked. “I think this is going to help saidBrennon Morioka, director of the state D.O.T. “Traffic at midda now is as bad as it was at peak rush hour 10yeares ago. The last thing visitors headinf to the North Shore or visitod attractions want to do is sitin traffic.
” Oh believed U-drives are being singled out, pointinbg out that a $3 temporary tax was first implementex in 1999 and extended each time it was to lapse. (The curreng “sunset” date is 2011.) He also worries that the will try to raisethe $3 tax to $5. That coulc happen. Morioka said D.O.T.’s preferenced is indeed for the $5 as was initially proposed. But Moriokq said the road taxes are fairly well-distributed. He also accepts compromise language that will put all revenuese into the state highway fund rather than separate what is currently collecte d from what could come from the The D.O.T.
will lobby for reinstatement of bill languag that says the tax increasee will not go into effect until the stater sees two consecutive quarters ofeconomic growth. The so-called economix trigger clause was removed by lawmakers hungryfor revenue. SB 1611 has the backinvg of the Lingle administration and SenatreDemocratic leaders. The only no votes have come fromminority
domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011
The Business Review (Albany): Albany Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011
New Boston Fairmont rolls out 'gold' plan - Boston Business Journal:
The hotel opened in A Fairmont spokeswoman said with the addition of FairmontGold program, the hotelp opening is complete and all of the hotel’s planned services are in “It’s the final piece of the opening,” said Suzannwe Wenz, a spokeswoman for the The service, called Fairmont Gold, caters to “the needs of the most discerninv corporate or leisure guests, with the highesty level of personalized service,” according to a Fairmont pressw release.
Fairmont Gold includes conciergee service, private registration and use ofthe “exclusive Gold Lounge privileges come with complimentary continental evening hors d’ oeuvres, free coffee and tea all day and an bar which allows guests to pay for drinkzs on an honor system. Concierge staff will make dinner reservationx or arrangebusiness services. Therd is also a business centedr and free wirelessInternet access. Fairmont Gold is a servicd that’s available in a separate building that contains 40 ofthe hotel’sd 150 rooms. The Fairmont Gold servicd is also offered at The Fairmont Copley Plazq in Boston and other selectFairmont hotels.
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011
USDA grants funds for rural energy projects - South Florida Business Journal:
“The demand for energy is risinyg every year and our funding progran will help agriculture producers and ruralksmall businesses,” said Eric Vigil, New Mexico Ruralk Development’s water and environmental programs acting state Vigil said renewable energies, such as solar, biomass and geothermall will qualify under the program’a directives. “The program is [also] geared toward energg efficiency and we expect to find interesty from applicants who want to initiatwe a variety of different Vigil added. Some energyy efficient initiatives that would qualify include installiny wind turbines andsolar panels.
Establishing anaerobic digesters and creatinhgmore energy-efficient agricultural production by upgrading windows, insulation, boilerw and lighting also will qualify under the terms of the Especially important this according to officials, is a new section that financews feasibility studies — which can includs money for meteorological towers. These “mety towers” help locate the strongest wind area so that wind turbineds can be mostadvantageousl placed. The applications require a completed energy assessment orenerggy audit. Unlike previous years, the cost of the audift or assessment will be paid for bythe government, should the applicang be successful.
This year, loan limitxs have increased. The deadline for applicationas isJuly 31. More information about the program can be founed onits , or by e-mailinfg Jesse Monfort Bopp, the rural energy coordinator, at
lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011
Ridgefield Symphony offers classical sampler - Danbury News Times
Ridgefield Symphony offers classical sampler Danbury News Times The Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra's program Saturday night was a kind of tasting menu, a classical music sampler. Mostly single movements from larger works, for variously sized instrumental forces, filled the evening in Ridgefield High School's ... |
sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011
Landmark health care bill passes out of committee - Houston Business Journal:
The expanded coverage would be funded by new or higher taxes onhealth insurers, hospitals and Medicaifd managed care plans, under House Bill 2116, whicg passed out of the House Revenuee Committee by a 6-4 vote on Thursday. By raisinhg more than $150 million per year, the state woulds be eligible for $500 million in unclaimeed federal funds. Under the compromisse measure, far fewer adults will be insuree thanthe 100,000 that proponents of expandecd health care originally targeted. Hospitals, which now pay a tax of .63 can expect a fourfold tax hike in thecoming year.
The hospitalk tax will be indexed to increased reimbursements that they can expecr to receive whenthe state’s Medicaid population with the aim of creating a revenue neutrapl impact on hospitals. Health plans and insurers will also pay a 1 percent tax on commercialinsuranc premiums. Opponents to the measure, largelty negotiated in closed meetings betweejn Legislators and health care industry called it a backroom “The real losers from the Democrats’ predatory premiuj tax of 1 percent of grosw premiums are the employees of small to mediukm sized businesses, who are the very peopler most likely to lose theif coverage because of the rapidly rising costs of healthn insurance,” said Rep.
Ron R-Grants Pass in a news release. But hospital groups, whicyh had loudly criticized earlier versionws ofthe bill, applauded the measure that left committew on Thursday. “This is a great day for the uninsurexin Oregon,” said Andy Van Pelt, spokesman for the and Healty Systems. “Hospitals came together with legislative leaderse to forge a solution that gets us started on covering more Oregonian than wedo today.” Now the full House takese up the bill.
The Legislature hopes to adjourbn by the endof
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011
Investors plan to reopen Five Points Music Hall - Birmingham Business Journal:
Jeff Manns, member of the Birmingham-basefd band U.S. and operator of several musicx clubsin Jackson, Miss., said he and a groul of others will reopen the club in about a month to its former glory. The site in Five Points South was home to a formetr music club with the same name that featuref local and national acts and later home toBananaa Joe’s, which closed last year after publicc outcry over a late-night shooting in the parkingh lot. Manns said security concernds will be addressed with additional securityh staff andthe club’s only entrance will be through the fronr on 20th Street South, not in the back.
Afterd minor renovations, he Five Points South’s newest addition will featurw a live music venue for a variety of including country, rock and jazz and an oyster pub. Mannws said plans call for the pub to front 20th Streetg and be open seven days a while the live music venue will be open only when acts are Last week, the Birmingham City Council approved the club’s liquor license. And as the grand openinfg act for the Five PointsMusicv Hall, Manns said he’s currently working on nabbing saxophonist David Sanborn.
lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011
Yahoo! confirms WNY site - Wichita Business Journal:
Yahoo!, Tuesday morning, confirmed it will be building the 190,000-square-foot center that could initially, 125 people. Yahoo! has pegged a 30-acre site in the park for the Yahoo!’s decision is considered a majore victory, especially against a backdroo of a weakened economy where unemployment has increased in past year in Erie Countgyto 8.1 percent from 5.5 percent and in Niagara County to 9.3 percenft from 6.6 percent. “This is a big win for the community,” said Tom president and chiefexecutivde officer. “We won the day.” Yahoo!! was being courted by several statedsincluding Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois for the All offered a handsome array of incentives.
“Whej a high tech company like Yahoo! picks a community like WesternNew York, it’sx like a lighthouse,” said Sen. Charles Schumer, New York’se senior senator, who played a key role in Lockport landing the data The region crafted its own aggressivse incentive package including the offering 15 megawattsof low-cosft hydropower that could save Yahoo!! an estimated $100 million over a 15-year period. also offered job training grants and other High level pitches also camefrom Gov. David Paterson and Schumer made personal callsto Yahoo!
CEO Carol Bartzs to push the Kucharski said it also helpedx that the region offered a half-dozen sites and not just a singulat location. It also helped that a friendship quickly developed between theYahoo ! site selection team and the local economic developmen t community. “We developed a nice relationshilp with them and that helped makethis happen,” Kucharski “They were impressed that every time they called, we coulr assemble our team on a very shortg notice and give them the answers they wanted.” Constructionb on the data center will begin in August, said David Dibble, Yahoo! senior vice president. The center will be open by May.
Kucharskk said there is a myriad positives that will comefrom Yahoo!’s decision. The BNE will use it in its outreacgh to other companies itis courting, he “It confirms our ability to attract high tech and high profile Kucharski said. “To get a name company like Yahoo says a lot to the rest of the industrieesout there.” Yahoo! joins the ranksd of , that have either opened or expanded back officd operations in the regionn in recent years. “You add it into the mix of the some of the othedrcompanies we’ve landed and it becomes a very impressives list,” Kucharski said.
sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011
bizjournals: Pay gap between men, women varies strikingly by occupation --
That phrase has been federal law for nearly half a ever since enactment of the Equal Pay Actof 1963. Expertss still disagree about the law's impact. Some contend that its goal of equalitg hasbecome reality, while others insist that a larg wage gap remains between male and femaled workers. What is clear, as showmn by a new bizjournals study ongendefr equity, is that the balance between the sexews varies dramatically by occupation. Men and women are essentiallyg equal inmany fields, especially food services, educatiohn and transportation. But they're far apart in heavuy industry, skilled trades and childs care.
Bizjournals , searching for jobs that employexd men and women in roughlyg equal numbers at comparableepay levels. The study was basedd on data compiled bythe U.S. Bureau of Labort Statistics. Coming closest to the ideal of equality is an occupation officially classifiedas "dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers," commonly known as buserz and assistant bartenders. A total of 380,000o of these restaurant workers are employex acrossthe country. They aren't paid much, typically $318 per week for full-timd employees, yet both sexes are basicallhy on an even Menhold 51.5 percent of these women 48.5 percent. And the gende difference in their weekly paychecksx isjust 4.
5 percent, with womeb having a slight advantage of $14 ($32i to $314 for men). The runners-up in gender equitg are food preparation workers, secondary school teachers, cookd and stock clerks. Each of thesd occupations is closely dividec between male andfemale workers, thoughj men receive slightly larger paychecks at all making 3 percent to 9.2 percent extra. . The largesy disparity between the sexes, on the other hand, existds among the nation's 367,000 bus and truck mechanics and diesel-enginw specialists. Only 3,300 women have ventured into this 0.9 percent of its total workforce.
That's the smallest female representationb in any of the 112 occupations covered by the Other jobs that rank in the bottok five for gender equity are auto operating engineers, plumbers and Women account for just 1.6 to 1.9 percent of the employees in each of theser groups. The tables are turned for the occupation withthe sixth-worsgt equity score, preschool and kindergarten Women hold almost 675,000 of these men less than or 2.3 percent of the total. , according to Views differ as to why such disparitiex remain decades after pay equality becamefederal law.
"The wage gap in part, because many women and people of color are still segregated into afew low-paying occupations, " contends the (NCPE), a coalition of women'se and civil rights groups. NCPE acknowledges that womeb sometimes make less money than men becausse of differences in experienceand education. But the broader it says, is that women historically have been funneledxinto sales, clerical and service jobs: "It is attributable to In other words, certain jobs pay less becausr they are held by women and people of color." The opposite camp insists that men and women do draw equal pay when their resumew and responsibilities are comparable.
Wage disparities are only according to this because men seem more willing to ente r technical fields or tackle dangerous jobs that pay while women are more likelt to leave the workforce to care fortheire families. "Women tend to trade income for flexibility, family and safety," says , author of a 2005 book, "Why Men Earn The Startling Truth Behind the PayGap -- and What Womeb Can Do About It." Bizjournals used a two-parg formula to rate each occupation's level of gendet equity, based on employment trends and medianb pay. The lower the resulting the closer the job comes to perfect Dining room and cafeteria attendants earnede thebest score, 6.
0 with bus and truck mechanics at the opposite end of the 90.8 points.
jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011
Eddie Bauer declares bankruptcy - Nashville Business Journal:
had struggled with its debt — a crisis that worsenedd as revenue dropped, part of an overall trened affecting most retailers duringthe recession. The companuy has lost nearly a half billion dollars in the pastthrer years. Those losses, coupled with the impact of the recession and debt payments apparently pushed the company into bankruptcyhcourt — a move that was rumorexd for months. Eddie Bauer became the latest major retailedr to succumb to filing in bankruptcy court this The list also includesLinens ‘n Circuit City and Northwest retailer , whichn sold its assets to a liquidator in April and closed 31 In many ways, Eddie Bauer’s crisise is not different from what most retailersd are facing during this prolonged and deep recession, said Greg an Atlanta-based consultant for Conway MacKenzie who workds with financially stressed retailers looking to restructure.
Most retailers — except discount stores like Wal-Mart — have seen a fast drop-ofvf in retail revenue across the Charleston said. Many of the specialty retail department stores haveseen double-digit same-storde sales declines, he said. “When revenued drops and same-store sales drop, companies with less debt can weather a downturjmuch longer,” Charleston said. “It becomes an issue much soonerf if you are intoliquidity issues.” As of May 11, Eddiwe Bauer reported having $289.5 million in outstanding including $187.
8 million in term loans and $75 million in convertible notes, which company executivea have been trying to persuade debt-holders to convert into shares of the company. According to a filintg with the , Eddie Bauer had total assetsof $525.22 milliohn in April. The company listefd total liabilitiesof $448.9 million. Eddie Bauer reportedd net lossesof $165.5 million in fisca year 2008, part of a total of $478.7 milliomn in losses during the past threer fiscal years. In the first quarter that endeedin April, the company reported net losseas of 44.5 million. For the first quartefr of fiscalyear 2009, whicy ended April 4, Eddie Bauer reportes a loss of $44.5 million.
That was a greatet loss than the first quarteof 2008, when the compan y reported a $19.3 million loss. Net salea for the first quarte of 2009were $179.8 million, compared with net saless of $213.2 million in the first quartefr of 2008. The company said that combined comparable stordsales — a barometeer of success at the store level — fell 11.3 percenr for the first quarter, a declinew the company blamed on the recession and reducecd retail spending. Sales were down nearly 15 percent inEddie Bauer’s retail stores and sales through its direct channe l were down nearly 11 percent. The outlety stores saw sales decline by nearly76 percent.
“Thee first quarter was a difficulf one, as the sharp downturn in the economy took its toll on our We continued to focus on cost cutting and cash flow which helped mitigate the impact oflowedr sales,” said CEO Neil in a statement with the first-quarter results filexd with the SEC. Eddie Bauer has 370 including 251 retail stores and 119 outleft stores in the United States and Canada. Eddie Bauer has 17 stores in Washingtonm and 11 storesin Oregon. (See a copy of the bankruptcyg filing .
) But by filing for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the federapbankruptcy code, Eddie Bauer hopes to avoid the fate of Joe’d Sports & Outdoor, whic h filed for bankruptcy protect March 4. The Ore.-based company had hoped to finda buyer. But In a bankruptcy judge approved the liquidationn ofthe Joe’s stores after the companh could not find a buyer. Joe’s had 31 Northwesr stores — 10 of them in Snohomish, King and Pierc counties — that held going-out-of-businessx sales after the company’s assetsa were snapped up at bargain basement pricexsby , a liquidator that also sold off merchandise for Circuiyt City.
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011
A few questions with: Steven E. Miller, executive director, Mass Networks Education Partnership - Mass High Tech Business News
A. Mass Networks Education Partnership was startex asa non-profit in 1996 to promote use of technology in K-12 schools. It brought together peoplee and organizationsfrom business, education, and labor to run three NetDay campaigns which mobilized more than 20,000 mor than $30 million in contributede resources and nearly three-fourths of the state'sz school districts to begin installing computer It was a great strategy and it had a large-scal impact. However, it was obvious that while having the right equipment was anecessary foundation, it was far from sufficienrt to improve student Curriculum and instruction had to be re- vised to take advantage of technology'ws power.
Teachers had to be traines in new methodologies. School administrators and elected officialss had to learn about the budgetaryt and policy issues that would In response, we transformed ourselves into a nonprofit educational consulting group that works with schools to aligh curriculum with new learning to provide professional development about integrating technology into classroo instruction; to support leaderws in developing policy or doing strategic planninf for major initiatives, as well as creating tech plans and runningt networks. Lately we've also begunj doing more workaround data-informed decision project evaluation and network security.
We also work in partnership withotherf groups. Most recently, we've joines with the Consortium for SchoollNetworking (CoSN) on a national program called "Cyber Securityy for the Digital District" which is getting primaryu funding from the US. Departmentt of Education, SurfControl, Symantec and SonicWall along with smallet grantsfrom Microsoft, Sun, Enterasye and BellSouth. Q. In the computers and tech in the classroom was allthe What's the current state of affairs with gettingb kids to be computer literate? A huge percentage of kids now know how to downloar music, shop the web, send e-maip or instant messages, and even create theier own websites or blogs.
In otherf words, they've become good consumers with a slowly growing abilitt to also use the toolsfor learning. A lot of this skillp and experience has come from the amazing growthj of home computer But that has been significantly drivej by families wanting to helptheidr kids' educational success. So both indirectly and directly, schools have contributeds to this change. There is still a huge disparit y of computer and Internet access accordingto income, with richeer districts and schools generally having a lot more than placess serving low-income people, althoughb there are enough exceptions to this rule to undercuyt an absolute generalization.
Until the recent cutbacksa there was a growing numberr of technology training programsin schools, the best of whicjh would consciously and effectively recruit girls, African-Americansz and Latinos, and at-risk whitee working class kids. There is some efforgt among the community colleges to develop coherent criteriza for entranceinto (and graduation from) technical traininv programs at that level, and this migh t eventually encourage more K-12 programs. There are a huge number of incrediblywonderful computer-facilitated activitiez going on in many schools. But thesed are still the exception.
Too teachers don't have time or support to lear n how to best usea district's technology Too often, because of inadequate technicall staffing a school's computers or networko connections malfunction. Teachers are not eagerf to repeatedly subject themselves to the resulting chaod andmissed lessons. A recent poll indicater that students' biggest complaint about classroom use of technologyy is thatthere isn't enough of it and what there is isn't sufficiently sophisticated. Q. How coul d we all have done better in our effortsa to improve studenttechnology literacy? We need to be more patientf and supportive.
During the early Clintoh administration the emphasis was on expandin network access to as many schools as It quickly shifted to how the technologyg was going tobe used. And then, even more it shifted to the measurable impact the technology was havintgon learning. Unfortunately, many districtx are still struggling with accessand use. And the Bush Administration'sw insistence on academic test results as the only importangt indicator of success gives little room for the long learningy curve that successful technologyintegration requires.
Coupled with the devastatingf impact of the public sectorfiscal crisis, school technologyy use - and student technology literacgy - is not likely to meaningfully increase over the next few Q. How can the business community helpwith this? First: don't donate your old computersd unless they're asked for. On the othere hand, it would be great if you can offer technicall help planning or running aschool network, or providing off-site backuop storage, or donating specific equipment that fits into the district's technology In addition, if there is a technologuy training program in your schoolp district, offer to hire participants for summer internships.
In it wouldn't be a bad idea to hire some teachera for the summer so they can see the way that technologu permeatestheir students' future. Second, remember that schoolsa are about more than academic The employees you desire are notjust literate, they are also smart - positive team players, self-confident problemm solvers, and generally interested in learning more. The most importanrt help that the busineszs community can provide is publidc support for restoring balanceto schools' missiohn beyond book learning. Q. How have Mass Networks goals changed overthe years? Our core goales haven't changed at all.
But we are a very small organizationand we've had to be entrepreneurial about shifting our sailsz to the prevailing winds. Today everyoner is talking about "data." So we provid e a service called "From Data to Learning" that helpsd teachers examine MCAS and other studen t information to get a better understanding of their studentslearning needs, and to then develop instructiona l strategies that address those needs. But beyonr the work we do directlyhwith teachers, for a district to institutionalizw a sustainable process of "evidence-based decision making" they have to have a functional effective training, a clear sense of classroom-level implementation, and good supervision.
Which is what we've been workingv on for the past decade. So titlez change but the ultimate contentstayw steady. We recently did a marketing survey. The consultant got halfwauy through the interviews and callee to ask if we had stacked thedeck - everyond was telling her we were wonderful. So I askef her, what's the bad news? "None of them have any money." Still, we've got a terrific stafd and an incredible reputation and I have totalk confidencethat we'll be here for anothef interview eight years from now. Steven E. Miller is the executive director of Mass NetworksEducation Partnership. He can be reachex via www
domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011
Florida Bank raises $18 million - Sacramento Business Journal:
The Tampa-based parent company for Floridaq Bankraised $18.3 million in a rights which “strategically positions the company to take advantager of growth opportunities,” the company announced Tuesday. The completed offering surpassedf offerings tracked by SNL Financiakl from public banks based in Florida this year, which ranged from $428,000 to nearly $11 million as of May 31. Florida Bank Group is a privatee bank. “Most banks in the United Statee and in Florida need to raisse additionalequity capital.
It is particularly difficult for them to do so as many have had negativew earnings in 2008 and firsft quarter 2009 and the markeft prices for publicly held bank stocks are tradintg at record low prices in terms of the ratio of market price to tangible book saidBen Bishop, chairman of Jacksonville-based investment bankerd Allen C. Ewing & Co. “In regards to the Floridaz BankGroup offering, this offering was very successfupl in that they apparently raised $18 or 90 percent of their target raise of $20 especially in these existing market conditions.
” Florids Bank has three branches in Jacksonville and 16 throughout the Prior to the completed equity raise, Florida Bank had a total risk-basede capital ratio of 11.7 percent as of March 31, according to the Federao Deposit Insurance Corp. Regulators require that ratio to be at least 10 percent in order for the bank to beconsidereed “well-capitalized.” The bank grew total assetws by 64.3 percent to $858.3 millionb in the first quarter compared to a year Total loans increased 51.4 percentf to nearly $665.8 million and total deposits jumped 85.2 perceny to $687.5 million during that same period.
“Thixs infusion of new capital is a vote of confidencw from our existing shareholders that will allowFBG (Floridaz Bank Group) to enhance its financial strengtb and even further distinguish itself among othert banks in the market place,” said the company’s Chairmabn and CEO, Robert Rothman, in the “This economic climate offers uniques opportunities to grow and increase our customet base as consumers and businesses are seeking strong, safe banking
viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011
'Amy was so ashamed of being an alcoholic, she wouldn't even drink in front of me' - Daily Mail
Daily Mail | 'Amy was so ashamed of being an alcoholic, she wouldn't even drink in front of me' Daily Mail She knew she was an alcoholic and hated the fact. She told them she couldn't bear how it made her feel, and what it was doing to her â" but she promised them that she was going to stop. Just as the 27-year-old-star had, in 2008, ... Amy Winehouse Ashamed of Being an Alcoholic, Hid Drinking From Her Family Winehouse refused to drink in front of her mother Amy Winehouse couldn't help but drink, says mother Janis |
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011
Bullet train's $98-billion cost could be its biggest obstacle - Los Angeles Times | Bullet train's $98-billion cost could be its biggest obstacle Los Angeles Times The ambitious plan to connect Anaheim and San Francisco with high-speed trains has encountered plenty of obstacles, including intensifying resistance from wealthy and poor communities lying in the track's path. But the bullet train's biggest threat ... Bullet train project nearly triples in cost -- $98.5 billion -- from earlier ... CA bullet train triples in price, adds 13 years to deployment schedule Bullet train cost more than doubles to $98B |
domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011
Spectrum Brands to exit Ch. 11 in August - Denver Business Journal:
The Atlanta-based consumer products company said it will exit bankruptcu protection as soon as all closing conditiones tothe plan, including the closin g of the company’s exit financing, have been met. That will likely be in the company said. “When we we will have reduced our subordinated debtby $840 milliob and eliminated approximately $60 million of annuao cash interest expenses for at least each of the next two said Kent Hussey, CEO of Spectrum Brands, in a prepared “We will emerge with a stronged balance sheet that will better position us to maintainj and strengthen our current platform and to pursur opportunities to grow our Spectrum Brands and its U.S.
subsidiaries filed for Chaptetr 11 inthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Westerjn Districtof Texas, San Antonio Division on Feb. 3. It had $4.4 billiobn in debt. Spectrum makes Rayovac batteries, Tetra pet supplies, Remington shaving and grooming and personalcare products, household insecticides and lawn and gardem care products.
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011
Houston Business Journal:
"Virtually any employee who is attractivse to a business is attractive to other organizationas well, and health care is the No. 1 thintg employees ask about after compensation," Tasseyy says. But if you've never offerede a health plan at yourbusineses before, the research process can plunge you into an unfamilia world of acronyms - HMO, PPO, HSA- and the optionss can be overwhelming. So if it's your firstf trip into the waters of healthinsurance shopping, you woulsd probably be wise to work with a broker or insurancwe adviser.
Health insurance can be a confusing consumedr decisionto make, and having a trainerd professional on your side can make all the notes Tassey, who recommends that peopler ask trusted friends, family, or professional contactw what broker they work with to obtain a good list of potentiak candidates. If you can't get a referral that way and have to resoryto cold-calling brokers, ask for the namesz of two or three of theit clients who you can call to ask how satisfiedf they are with the service they're receiving. Tassey says it's the leasty you can do when choosinb the individual who will handle one of your most importanf internalbusiness decisions.
"You want to be dealingy with an insurance adviser who has experience in your and it's very, very appropriate and very much expectef for you to ask that personj for a couple of references," he "If you're in a small business, you've got your family and your and probably a pet. But if you'r e going to marry your life to a it pays to take the extra minute and checkthose references." Once you've found a broker, Tassey says he or she will help you consider what kind of plansz to offer.
He says a good broker often can give you a picturs of what kind of health care planse are most common in your industr or for businesses of your size so that you can stay If you're offering a health benefir for the first time, you'lo also need to think aboutt how much of the cost of your employees' healtj insurance expenses you're willing and able to pay, and whethetr or not you're willing to pay for healtu care for dependents of employees. And will you requirr new employees to work for your companyg for a certain amount of time before qualifyingfor benefits?
If you have a smalpl business and choose to research insurancs plans independently, without a one piece of information might save you some Tassey says the fact of the matter is that where a 500-employee business has some bargaining power when it comes to their healtnh plan rates, small groups are usually quoted a uniform price basee on size, and it typicallty doesn't leave a lot of room for negotiation. Speakinyg of price tags, another tip is this: When it come to choosing a health the bottom line is not alwaysz thebottom line.
That's to say that while cost is a major concern for almost anyone shopping for health insurance coverage these what you get for the money should be considered along with theprice tag. Janice Torrez. of Blue Cross and Blue Shieldr ofNew Mexico, recommends groups and individuals conside r the restrictions or options that come with certain plans. For Torrez says, a plan that places no restrictiones on what physician a member can see migh t come at ahigher cost.
Likewise, a plan with a low monthlgy premium could sport somewhopping out-of-pockett expenses should one need a service like home healthy care, hospital stays, or medical The LIFE organization advises when shopping for a health care businesses and individuals startt by considering what health-related services are important to Included in the list of services to consider are inpatientg hospital services, outpatient surgery, office medical tests and X-rays, prescriptioj drugs, home health care physical therapy, maternity care, preventative care for infants and and health screenings. Then compare the cost of plands that offer youthose benefits.
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011
Giving to women
According to a first of its kind reporft by the in New York and in San givingto women’s causes by privat e and community foundations is growing faster than philanthropy as a whole, a new studuy finds. Between 1990 and 2006, givingt directed to women and girls by the broader foundation community soared 223 percen t while overall giving by them grew177 (Both numbers are adjusted for inflation.) In actual the amount given to women’s causes durinvg this period climbed from $412 millionh in 1990 to $2.6 billion in 2006. Philanthropyy directed to women and girlws is primarily focusedon health, the studyt noted.
That reflects a belief that focusing on femalewhuman rights, health, education and economic empowerment can improve Data for the report, entitled “Acceleratingv Change for Women and Girls: The Role of Women’ss Funds” came from the Foundation Center’ annual grants database of all grantz over $10,000 awarded by 1,0000 large foundations, information provided by 55 Women’ s Funds and a 2008 online surveu conducted by the Women’s Funding Network.
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011
St. Luke strikes deal to withdraw from Health Alliance - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The settlement clears the way for St. Luke to merge with , creating a Northerm Kentucky health system with five hospitals and numerous outpatient facilitiesin Campbell, Kenton, Grant and Pendleton counties. St. Luke's hospitals are located in Fort Thomasand Florence. St. Luke receive approval in June forthe St. Elizabeth leaving the Health Alliance settlement as its only obstaclwe tothe deal. St.
Luke and both won the rightf to withdraw from the Health Alliance inApril 2007, but the parties were previouslh unable to come to terms on the division of assets and liabilities from the region’s largest hospital “Through good-faith negotiations, we found middle ground and forgefd a compromise that safeguards the interestsa of our respective hospitals, and by extension, our patients,” said Ken president and CEO of the Health Alliance, in a news “This agreement will allow closure for all St. Luke stakeholderes and help pave the way for us to take the next stepwith St. Elizabethu Medical Center,” said Dr. Richard Laib, chairman of the board at St.
in the release. Christ Hospital, which has begun operatinv as anindependent hospital, is still negotiatinbg the terms of debt and asset divisiob with the Alliance.
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011
Bankrupt GM owes Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Maritz millions - St. Louis Business Journal:
billion in revenue in 2008. GM had promised to buy back $33 milliom in vehicles from Enterprise as part of a repurchas eagreement that's similar to a said Christy Conrad, a spokeswoman for Enterprise. "Ww have a good working relationship with GM and have received assurances that the manufacturer will honor the she said. GM also owes Maritzx Inc. in Fenton more than $25.6 million, according to the GM hireds Maritz to perform customer satisfaction researchand surveys, as well as trainingb for dealers to boost customer satisfaction. Maritz also providesx event and incentive programsfor GM.
"Maritza leadership has been in closed contact with GM throughout its reorganizationplanning process," said Beth a spokeswoman for Maritz. "We believse the relationship will continue." Maritz also performas work for , which in April. Maritsz continues to receive payments from Rusert said. Maritz, a family-ownexd sales and marketing services company in reported $1.49 billion in revenues in 2008. GM, which makes Chevrolegt Express and GMC Savana vansin Wentzville, listed $173 billionb in liabilities and $82 billion in assets in its bankruptcy filing.
sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011
Assessment by NATO Says Taliban Attacks Are Diminishing - Gainesville Sun
Press TV | Assessment by NATO Says Taliban Attacks Are Diminishing Gainesville Sun KABUL, Afghanistan â" Despite a sharp increase in assassinations and a continuing flood of civilian casualties, NATO officials said Saturday that they had reversed the momentum of the Taliban insurgency as enemy attacks were f » |
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011
Delta inks $12B partnership with Air France/KLM - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The trans-Atlantic alliance betweenj the world’s largest carrier DAL) and Europe’s largest airlined group will offer more flight better scheduling and more competitive the carriers said in a joint announcement from The $12 billion revenue figure is basee on flights operated by Delta, KLM, Air France to respectivwe hubs, plus connecting service. The deal bolsterz the strength of the alliance against competing joint venturedsand . Delta signed a joint venturd deal with Air Francein 2007. , which Delta acquired last October, has been a partner with KLM since 1997.
The new partnership represents a quartef ofall trans-Atlantic air service, the carriers Delta and Air France/KLMM will coordinate as a singlee carrier on trans-Atlantic service. The pact includese routes between North Americaand Europe, North Americaw and Africa, Europe and Latin America (where Delta is particularly and the Middle East and India, the carriers said. Flightsd between the U.S. and the European Union will be “mutually code-shared” where permissible, the carriers said.
"Th e structure of this joinyt venture, in which we operate as a singls business where we consensually develop our strategies and sharw revenuesand costs, provides the incentives for us to collaborat e in a way that generates benefits for shareholders and employees of our three airlines," Deltsa CEO Richard Anderson said in a statement. "Customers will benefirt from the unique scope and choices we will while shareholders and employees will benefit from the strongert competitive and financial position of ourrespective airlines.
" The carriere said the venture will increase the visibility through coordinatede marketing of all three airlines across 400-plus airports worldwide, and the respective brands will link at North American and European ports. "Thisx strategic partnership puts us in a good positionb compared with othermajor alliances, which are extremelu active on the world's leading long-haul By integrating our trans-Atlantic operations, we will give our passengerz what they desire: more more frequencies, more convenieng flight schedules and superior customer service," Pierre-Henr Gourgeon, president and CEO of Air France KLM, said in a news "By optimizing the use of our poole d resources, this joint venture will help us weatherf the current economic situation and protect our producg offering.
" All three carriersz will govern the new alliancre collectively, with work groups created to managd such aspects as network, revenue, sales frequengt flyer programs, advertising, cargo and technology. The new deal does not have a set end but can be terminated witha three-year notic after the first ten years. The partnership includes a network of more than 200dailyh flights. Flights are structure around six main hubsin Amsterdam, Atlanta, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York and Paris, as well as Delta’sx Cincinnati, Memphis and Salt Lake City bases andAir France’s Lyon hub.
martes, 11 de octubre de 2011
Portola inks potential $470M Merck deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Merck (NYSE: MRK) will pay South San Francisco-base Portola an upfront fee of $50 million. The valuse of the deal could climbto $470 million, the companies upon hitting development, regulatory and commercialization Privately held Portola also coulr receive double-digit royalties on worldwide sales if betrixaban is Merck will take on all developmentf and commercialization costs, including the costs of Phasw III clinical trials. But Portola has options to co-fun d the Phase III trials in return for higherd royalties andto co-promote the drug in the Unitedd States.
Betrixaban, now in Phase II triap to prevent stroke in patientsw withatrial fibrillation, is an oral Factor Xa inhibitodr anticoagulant. Several oral Factor Xa drugs are in developmentg because currentanticoagulants — like warfarin, the most frequently prescribed one in North America — are associated with bleeding as well as drug and food Betrixaban, however, is the only drug currentlt being studied in patients with severew and moderate kidney impairment, the companies said. Portola in Februarhy won $75 million upfront from (NYSE: NVS) for a mid-stag e anti-clotting treatment.
Milestone payments could push the valuse of that deal upto $500 Portola CEO Charles Homcy said the dealds with Merck and Novartis validate the quality of the company’ drug candidates and R&D expertise. “This representws a significant milestone for the and we now haveover $175 millionn in cash to further advancre the rest of our valuable proprietarty pipeline,” Homcy said in a press release.
domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011
$1M donation gives UT graduate programs a boost - Boston Business Journal:
Ungerleider, who received his bachelor's degree in psychologyu in 1970 from UT while competing as a said he's creating the fellowship named for the current universityu president to help attract top graduates students from around the world. The firstr class of Powers Graduate Fellowa will enter the university infall 2009. "Wew have an absolute gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionary sitting in the president'sa office. I wanted to honor both." The gift has been facilitateed by Ungerleider through the Foundation for Global Sports an outreach and mentorshipeducational fund, where Ungerleider is a "We are indebted to Dr.
Ungerleidetr for this generous gift," said Powers. "He clearly understandsw the importance of graduated students to the succeses ofour university. I am deeplg honored that he chosew to name this significant fellowship programaftet me." Despite receiving his master's and doctor's degrees from anothert institution, Ungerleider chose The University of Texasa at Austin for his gift to support the president'ws goal of becoming the top public researc h institution in the country.
Ungerleider said in conversationx with Powers he learned that whild many top prospective graduate studentsw would like to attendUT Austin, the universitt loses some because they are offereed better financial packages elsewhere. To learn more about graduate education atthe university, Ungerleider lookedr at the university's most prestigious graduate fellowship program, the Donald D. Harrington Graduate Fellowship, and met with severao Harringtongraduate fellows. He said he was impressed with the mode l of supporting the very best students witha multi-yeafr package and providing a community of mentors and peers to enhance the graduate experience.
Ungerleider said he wante to create another fellowship program to honot the academic excellence of the next generatiomn and continue the practice of graduater students developing their own expertise undedr the mentorship ofseasoned faculty. "In the Graduate School will celebratdits 100-year anniversary and will look towarf the future of graduate education at the said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provosr and dean of graduate "This inspiring gift is vital to fulfilling our vision of attractiny the highest quality students to the Graduatew School.
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011
Hidden behind the curtain - The West Australian
The West Australian | Hidden behind the curtain The West Australian For more than 40 years, that curtain kept a huge swathe of Europe out of sight of the rest of the world. Hidden behind a Soviet ideology, individual national identities were repressed by an overbearing and autocratic system to which nations such as ... |
martes, 4 de octubre de 2011
What's next for Kodak retirees? - News 10NBC
News 10NBC | What's next for Kodak retirees? News 10NBC All the buzz about Kodak hiring bankruptcy lawyers has investors, employees and retirees wondering and waiting. They want to know what's next for Kodak and what the future holds for them. For retirees who depend on Kodak benefits to carry them through ... |
domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011
Kmart, Sears and Home Depot put holiday displays up early - The Detroit News
Macon Telegraph | Kmart, Sears and Home Depot put holiday displays up early The Detroit News Sears, Kmart and Home Depot were among the first wave of retailers to set up their holiday displays and merchandise during the last week of September. "This is a benefit to our customers who like to view everything at once and plan out what they want ... Autumn arrives with a Christmas push Ho-ho-ho already? In stores, yes Ho, Ho or maybe no? |
viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011
Earlier Evenings and Falling Leaves Mean New Road Hazards -- Follow GEICO's ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Earlier Evenings and Falling Leaves Mean New Road Hazards -- Follow GEICO's ... MarketWatch (press release) For more information on safe driving, go to GEICO's online auto safety library at . GEICO (Government Employees Insurance Company) is a member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies and is the third-largest private ... |
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
Photos: Building Collapses in New Delhi, 7 Dead - Denver Post (blog) | Photos: Building Collapses in New Delhi, 7 Dead Denver Post NEW DELHI (AP) â" Broken beams and mounds of clay lay in heaps Wednesday where a three-story residential building collapsed in the Indian capital, killing at least seven people and highlighting the dangerous housing conditions among the city's poor. ... Building collapses in New Delhi Would a Major Quake Wipe Out Delhi? |
lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011
LEAP WIRELESS INTERNATIONAL IS AMONG THE COMPANIES IN THE WIRELESS ... Leap Wireless International (NASDAQ:LEAP - Analyst Report) has the lowest with a Price To Last Quarter Annualized Sales of 0.23x; Sprint Nextel (NYSE:S - Analyst Report) is next with a Price To Last Quarter Annualized Sales of 0.29x; and Telephone ... |
sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011
Viewpoint: Don't worry: No evidence that tarballs will make you sick - Pensacola News Journal
Viewpoint: Don't worry: No evidence that tarballs will make you sick Pensacola News Journal BP has been working with the people of the Gulf Coast for over a year to speed the recovery from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. So we, like many of you, are concerned about the misinterpretation of an Auburn University study of tar balls washing up ... |
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011
Column: Things becoming clearer in conference realignment - Go Cyclones | Column: Things becoming clearer in conference realignment Go Cyclones The conference realignment picture is as blurry as ever, but Iowa State's standing is becoming clearer. For the first time since the conference membership roulette wheel started spinning last year, the Cyclones should not only have an ... Writer: College footb » |
sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011
Fish and Wildlife Service contributes $1 million to Edwards Aquifer plan - South Florida Business Journal:
The will use the funds, in to develop a comprehensive plan for protectinh federally listed endangered or threatened species while managingt pumping rights out ofthe aquifer. In 2007, the Texasw Legislature mandated the creation of the aquifer recovery implementation The Edwards Aquifer Authority has a deadlineof 1, 2012 to complete this plan. So far, stakeholderes in the program have contributed morethan $775,00p0 towards the plan.
In addition to the Edwardds Aquifer Authority, other stakeholderas in the plan includewater cities, groundwater conservation districts, agricultural users, industrial users, environmental individuals, river authorities, downstream and coastal communities and stat e and federal agencies. These stakeholders rely on watert from theEdwards Aquifer. Local stakeholderx are currently working with the Texase Legislature foradditional funds. “The stakeholders have been workingv extraordinarily hard to meet goals set by the saysRobert Gulley, progra manager for the Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program. “Thus far, they have met and exceedef all the goals setfor them.
All parties understanxd that the work ahead will be This is a truly significant gran that will not only assist the stakeholdersd in continuing to meet their goals but also reinforcesthe U.S. Fish and Wildlifde Service’s commitment to our program.” The Greater Edwardd Aquifer Alliance sponsored the grantf application beforethe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Sen. John Cornym and U.S. Reps. Charlie Ciro D. Rodriguez and Lamar Smitnh all wrote letters of support toward the federakgrant application. Web site: earip.tamu.
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011
Pier 1 posts quarterly profit despite drop in sales - Wichita Business Journal:
The profit for Fort Worth-based Pier 1 PIR) compares to a net loss of $33 million, or 37 centsx per share, during the same period last year. During the firsft quarter, Pier 1's sales fell to $281 million, down from $310 millionj a year ago. Pier 1 attributes this drop in sale to a reduction in the number of storesd operating anda 7.5 percent drop in same-store sales—o sales at stores open for 12 months or more. Comparedd to last year, inventories are down by $91 The company also reduced itsconsolidated long-terkm debt by $79 million and posted a $48 milliob gain on the repurchase of debt.
Goinv forward, Pier 1, which has two Wichits stores, said it is negotiating rentalo reductions with landlords across North Pier 1 has now reached agreementsx in principal to end leasez for 22 stores and will be shuttingh down an additionalfive locations. “To the company has achieved approximately $9 million in rental savingds for fiscal 2010 and expects to close approximatelh50 locations,” the company said in a
martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011
Missouri issues cease-and-desist order against Universal Casualty - Business First of Buffalo:
Universal Casualty has more than 13 times the typicap number of consumer complaints for a compangyits size, according to the Department of Insurance, which has receivex 63 consumer complaints against the company in compared to 18 for the previous threew years. The company wrote $5.9 million in premiums in according tothe state. Department Director John Huff issueds the order forbidding from writing any new businesws in Missouri until some allegationaare resolved, including that the company failed to respond to or properly investigate claims filed by policyholders in a timely failed to respond to inquiries from state regulators; improperly denied claims; and offered “unreasonably low” dollar amounts for state investigators said.
A request for comment from Universal Casualty was notimmediately
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011
Colorado ski towns crack down on short-term rentals that avoid lodging taxes - Denver Post
Colorado ski towns crack down on short-term rentals that avoid lodging taxes Denver Post VR Compliance, the company selected by the ski towns association, has identified several hundred homes in Summit County that are advertised on websites like and but are not registered with the county or its towns to pay lodging ... |
viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011
PAS Technologies promotes Spriggs to CTO - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Spriggs was vice president of product developmentt of the privately held NorthKansas City-based company. He started with PAS predecessor company, , in 1996 as business unit manager of newproducy development, PAS said in a Thursday As CTO, he will oversee the company’s long-term technolog strategy. “We’re doing this because we feel that technologt is the way to grow and satisfyour customers,” company spokeswomanb Marsha Farmer said Friday. Spriggs has 35 yearse of experience in operations and engineering assignmentxfor , , and , as well as independent consultingf in the aviation and power generation PAS said. He has received six U.S.
patents in his own name or as PAS Technologies specializes inproviding cost-effectivr repair and overhaul services for the aerospace and industriak markets. It has about 600 employees, about 280 of whom work in the KansaswCity area, Farmer said.
martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011
SoftBrands sold for $80M; Golden Gate Capital is buyer - San Antonio Business Journal:
The buyer, a holding company creates by private-equity firm and its portfoli ocompany , will pay 92 cents per sharre for SoftBrands. Shares of SoftBrands closed at 47 cents per shareon Thursday. On the same date in SoftBrands’ stock closed at 1.09 per share. San Calif.-based Golden Gate Capital has abourt $9 billion in assets under management. based in Alpharetta, Ga., is a software company with about 9,00p employees and $2.2 billion in revenue. Minneapolis-base SoftBrands (AMEX: SBN) sells software to the hospitalityy industry, as well as to small and mid-sized manufacturerzs under the brand. Its producta handle tasks such as making reservationds to settingroom rates.
SoftBrands CEO Randh Tofteland said in a presa statement that the deal will allow shareholdersto “realize significang value from their investment.” He also said the compan would benefit from an “alliance” with A spokeswoman for Infor said SoftBrandx will continue to have a presence in though it has yet to be determined how many employees will remainh here. SoftBrands’ board has already approved the which is expected to close in between 60 and90
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
Graduating diplomacy and politics into the 21st century - Daily Star Online
Graduating diplomacy and politics into the 21st century Daily Star Online IT is quite remarkable, almost unbelievable, that the forthcoming Indo-Bangladesh summit on September 6-7, 2011, is the first such bilateral summit since the historic visit by Indira Gandhi for the Dhaka for the first summit with Bangabandhu Sheikh ... |
viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011
Frankfurt shooting suspect admits killing US airmen after watching radical ... - Washington Post
Frankfurt shooting suspect admits killing US airmen after watching radical ... Washington Post By AP, FRANKFURT, Germany â" Frankfurt shooting suspect admits killing US airmen after watching radical Islamic propaganda online. Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or ... |
lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
Fort Myers, Fla.-based Chico’s CHS) bought the former 300,000-square-foot Hagemeyedr Building on Barrow Industrial Parkway forthe Chico’s ultimately will create 189 full-time jobs at the facilit y over the next three years. “We are fortunate in having the opportunity to purchase this nearby facility that will enable us to expanc our currentdistribution operations, providing sufficienft capacity to serve our need s through 2016,” said Jeffrey A. Jones, chief operatingy officer of Chico’s, in a Chico’s opened a distribution center in Barroq in 2002 and expanded that facility in 2004and 2006.
In the company also opened an adjacent call cented to serviceits direct-to-consumer business for its Chico’s, Whitr House | Black Market and Soma Intimates brands. The compang has 20 retail stores inmetro Atlanta.